View Full Version : Meg`s #2: Rotary only?

02-03-2005, 07:06 PM
Picked up some Meguiar`s #2 Fine Cut Cleaner. It was on clearance, so I figured I`d add it to my arsenal. However, I notice that the directions on the bottle say it is to be used with a rotary only.

Can this stuff be used with a PC? If so, how does it compare in abrasivness to DACP? Any drawbacks to using it with the PC vs a rotary? I`ve got one panel on the truck that`s hologrammed, and was thinking that would be where it would come in handy.

02-03-2005, 07:13 PM
The PC probably won`t develop enough heat to break down the abrasives properly.
If it were me, I`d return it if possible, otherwise give it to someone with a rotary.


02-03-2005, 09:46 PM
Though I`m a relative newbie, I did manage to use #2 and a PC to get out a couple of tough swirls. I also did this while being supervised by an experienced moderator from Autopia who was showing me the ropes. We tested #2 and found that we could use it -- carefully -- in a number of spots where DACP wasn`t working or was working too slowly.

of course, YMMV.

02-03-2005, 09:56 PM
My opinion is if they recommend it for the rotory, They have a reason for it. How can the #2 remove more things than DACP when it is 5 on the scale and DACP is 6. Maybe cause it is just a cleaner not cleaner/polish?

02-03-2005, 10:02 PM
sounds like an oppotunity to purchase a rotary and learn to use it..

Anthony A
02-04-2005, 12:24 AM
My opinion is if they recommend it for the rotory, They have a reason for it. How can the #2 remove more things than DACP when it is 5 on the scale and DACP is 6. Maybe cause it is just a cleaner not cleaner/polish?

According to Mike Phillips from Megs the 5 rating on #2 is a mistake. It is actually more abrasive than DACP.

02-04-2005, 06:21 AM
I use both DACP and #2 with the rotary and #2 definitely will remove defects quicker. It seems like it has a different type of abrasive and doesn`t break down like DACP It also doesn`t produce as much of a shine as DACP. I think using it on a PC could lead to some micro marring that could be difficult to remove with just a PC.
Just my thoughts :)