View Full Version : "The Book" on how to start a detail business

11-21-2005, 08:52 PM
A while ago I posted about this book however at the time I didn`t have the exact title and author. The name if it is "Start Your Own Automobile Detailing Business" Your step to step guide to success. Author is Entrepreneur Press and Eileen Figure Sandlin. Its a great book on getting the essentials down for this type of business. I contributed some information along with Anthony Orosco which we were recognized for. (too bad we didn`t get paid) I did read it and will endorse the content. Gary

11-21-2005, 09:00 PM
I have discovered that I share a passion for writing about my business just as much as I enjoy doing the work. Look for an article I wrote in Professional Car Washing and Detailing which will break in Dec, although its a Jan issue. I`m currently working on a Query for a major magazine with world wide distribution. I can`t say what it is yet, but if I get this project off the ground, Perfect Auto Finish will soon be a house hold name. Know if I could just detail as well as I can promote I`d be in business. :nervous2:

11-22-2005, 07:52 AM
I will order, read and give a review.


11-24-2005, 01:38 PM
I bought the book. Good read, useful information regarding the uncle sam issues.

11-25-2005, 05:53 AM
I have discovered that I share a passion for writing about my business just as much as I enjoy doing the work.

Just like Gary, I also share a passion for writing about my business just as much as I enjoy doing the work. That`s why about six years ago I began writing various instructional information about detailing. All of the information is based on my own experience in the detailing business. The materials that I have written include: Start Your Own Detailing Business Study Guides, Automobile & Boat Detailing Guides and Online Detailing Courses. These comprehensive plans all have their own niche.

The Start Your Own Detailing Business Study Guides were developed to help interested beginner clients start-up, own and operate their own detailing business.

The Automobile & Boat Detailing Guides are do-it-yourself guides designed to offer beginners the opportunity to learn more about how to clean, polish and wax their own car or boat, just like a professional.

Finally, the Online Detailing Courses allow students to complete their studies anytime, anywhere. The online classes are designed for busy people, including college students and working professionals who have limited access to traditional classroom activities. The online courses offer beginners an opportunity to learn the do-it-yourself approach to automobile and boat detailing.

Of course, just like Gary I have also written articles for some of the local newspapers and trade magazines. It`s fun writing about detailing.

11-25-2005, 04:36 PM
I`ve got that book. Lots of good information for anyone looking to start a detailing business. Some of the start up cost pricing is way off though, IMHO.