View Full Version : QEW - A few Questions - Help!

11-14-2005, 04:51 PM
First off, are there any sites that you can buy QEW as well as my other products to reduce shipping charges?

I hear about people washing with it in the winter - does the solution freeze? Or can you use it at any temperature with warm water?

Lastly, does it streak if not dried properly, or leave any water spots?

Thanks everyone!

11-14-2005, 05:11 PM
You can buy QEW at http://www.exceldetail.com

Patrick sells lots of detailing supplies and MF products.

My bottles of QEW say KEEP FROM FREEZING on the label. I use it with warm water in my garage during the winter.

I`m not sure why you wouldn`t bother to dry it properly. It generally does not leave streaks.

Water spots will always be possible unless you`re using distilled/deionized water. It doesn`t matter what soap you`re using with it.

It takes less time to dry your car than to wash it, so why not dry it?