View Full Version : A bird...

11-13-2005, 07:27 PM
...shat on my car.

I put my third layer of KSG on last night. I buffed again this morning to get any dust off and get ready for some P21s. I applied the P21s in the garage and used all but one buffing towel.

I pulled the car out into the driveway to give it another buff with my last clean towel. I wanted to see the paint better in the last bit of sun that was left.

As I`m going over the finish a HUGE black streak appeared under my towel. Obviously I wasnt paying attention. :)

It turns out, a bird had shat on my car in the first 2 minutes after I had pulled it out. This is my first detail and I was just about done with the LSP when this happened.

Not a good sign of things to come. :)

11-13-2005, 07:30 PM
Pic of the finished product. What really sucks is that the sun was going down by the time I was finshed, so there wasnt any light to reflect:


11-13-2005, 07:37 PM
ive driven from my house to a friends house 3 streets away (we both live in the same subdivision) and by the time i got there, there was one bird dropping on the hood, two on the roof, and one on the wing. I had just gotten done washing it 20 minutes beforehand. i knew i shouldnt of driven under those powerlines where 875983476934987 crows were sitting :furious: needless to say i turned right around, went home, got it off with quiksine and a towel, then went back (by a different route as to not go under the powerlines!). he said that was crazier than when i "pet" the car (feeling the slickness!!). eh, non-autopians... :faint:

car looks great even in the low lighting conditions. :idea try using your halogen light stand for extra light :grinno: what products did you use on the kid?

Ed Fisher
11-13-2005, 09:58 PM
Well we Turks sometimes say "if a bird drops right on you, it indicates a shot of luck" just to feel better and soothe the humiliation.

I do not know whereabouts you reside but here in Istanbul we have these oversize seagulls and when they dropon your car, they REALLY DO IT ! They drop like a handfull ! If one decides to poop on your car you definitely need to go wash it. NO bath / beach towel is gonna clean it away... :(