View Full Version : Egged!!!

11-13-2005, 02:30 PM
:angry ok... so this week looked like a good week to give me truck a good detailing job, i clayed, polished, rmg, ex-p, and nattys blue. my car came out looking wonderful, same day, i went to my friends house for a party that night and my tailgate got egged!!! :wall



i can feel it with my fingernails... not good :grrr

anyone have any advice on how to get rid of it if possible?

11-13-2005, 02:54 PM
Well that settles it. The damage on my front fender (from before I bought the car) is from an egg. It looked EXACTLY like that. I was able to reduce the marks a little bit with SSR2.5, but the majority of it is still there. I can also feel the damage with my fingernail.

I`m very interested if you happen to find something that helps the problem.

I was able to fill in some pretty deep cracks in black paint once with GEPC. I`ll have to try that on my fender. Do have any GEPC? You might give that a shot if you do.

11-13-2005, 03:44 PM
Hi Sorry but your stuck with those marks they are digs in the paint caused by the egg shell. When the egg breaks the edges are razor sharp and they cut right through the paint down to the primer. If you look close at it and you use a jewelers loop or a magnifying glass you will see the edges that you are feeling with your finger nail and you will see that the clear and color coats are gone. You may see some lighter scratches that will buff out but that oval pattern will be there until you decide to do some paint work. Good luck!!

11-13-2005, 06:56 PM
New detailing tool:


I think that this would be useful for more than shooting birds threatening to excret fecal matter on your freshly detailed car....

11-13-2005, 07:04 PM
Stuff like that makes me hate people. :grrr :mad: Sry about that man.

Messing with a guy`s car is a :nono.

11-13-2005, 10:30 PM
i should keep a shotgun in my car =]