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Ed Fisher
11-12-2005, 01:32 PM
Freshly waxed the wife`s brand new metallic jet black car today and drove the family to the mall for shopping and some leisure including a meal and a movie.

All was fine until we walked out the mall where I saw this é#$%& woman who laid her grocery bags on the hood digging her $½#%&é purse for her ½$é%&# car keys !!! :angry I couldn` t help yelling "what do you think you`re doing ??!!" she is incredibly cheeky and she just just stares blankly at me and just grabs her bags and drags them off the hood and walks away. Just as I start cussing and cursing my wife hushes me saying it is not worth all the disgrace... :furious:

Under the fluorescent lighting the damage is heart stopping ! the area is badly scuffed and especially the scratches caused when the dirty #$½%&é dragged the bags off the hood made my stomach churn and my heart sink !! :soscared:

I immediately, as soon as I came home got the Sonax Metallic Hochglanz Politure (means "highgloss polish") and hit the problem. Since it is a "nanotechnology" medium abrasive polish, it is supposed to rid the hood of the scuffs... 1/2 hours later I did the final buffing of the area... No, still there but not as bad... One more application, a little better but still there... The third run but no... The scuffs are not deep (do not catch fingernails whatsoever) but unbelieveably stubborn !!! I tried Sonax Intensive 3 on top which is a slightly stronger abrasive. Still no result. I guess I will have to go for the machine work... I just would like to ask for your opinion: Should I grab my rotary or orbital ? I never used my rotary on a brand new car (only 15 days old at only some 100 miles) but I doubt the orbital will rid the hood of the scuff marks... :buffing:

I feel as though the rotary would be too harsh on a too new surface... I wouldn` t have been so shaky if it hadn` t been a black car. Black is unforgiving as all of you know... :nervous2:

Please give me an idea... :cry:

(And should I have actually laid that #$½%&é on the hood beside her bags and have done her a favor ??!!!)

I am using all the smilies so I can smile at myself... otherwise I will get mad all over again.... :furious:

11-12-2005, 01:48 PM
you should have asked her for her insurance info-that would be the last time she made that mistake

11-12-2005, 02:49 PM
What a dumb*ss. 15 days old! I hate people that don`t think about things like that. If it`s a rusted POS, that`s one thing, but still unacceptable. :furious:

As I was leaving my apartment a few hours ago, I saw some dumb kid slap her jacket against her mom`s new Grand Prix. The zipper smacked right into the window and door. Why did she do it? Because her little brother was inside, apparently taunting her in some way or another. I`d be one p*ssed off parent!

I think a medium abrasive like SSR2.5 (or equivalent) on the PC with a cutting pad, followed by another application with a polishing pad, would remove the scuffs.

Hopefully you can fix the problem. Good luck to you, and start parking farther away! ;)

11-12-2005, 05:06 PM
just plain ideocy!!! I would have asked her for her insurance info immediatly. That is just wrong what she did. Some poeple just do not respect other peoples property. I would reach for the rotary. I Dont see there being a difference in bufffing 15 day old paint and year old paint. If you are comfortable with the rotary then give that a go. If your not then I understand your conerns.


11-12-2005, 06:15 PM
Its sad. Nobody has any respect for other people or there property anymore. I see this all to often. If your wife wasnt there I would have called the police and charged her with vandalism, that would have taught her a lesson...

The other day I was at the grocery store and this woman asked me why I parked my car at the end of the parking lot and walked all the way to the store when I could have squeezed my car between a minivan an a SUV. I looked at her car and saw nothing but swirls/dings and scratches I replied "thats why" and I pointed to her car...lol I`m sure she thinks I`m a %$#%^%$ but at least my car looks good :dance

11-12-2005, 06:21 PM
The other day I was at the grocery store and this woman asked me why I parked my car at the end of the parking lot and walked all the way to the store when I could have squeezed my car between a minivan an a SUV.

I usually tell people that I like the exercise... :D

11-12-2005, 11:19 PM
i know what you mean! one morning i came out to my car (i always circle around before getting in, to check for low inflated tires, scratches, etc..) and noticed a black scratch on my rear bumper. my heart literally sank.... i grabbed some qd and a mf to painfully wipe away some paint, dirt, etc... from someone who hit my car and took off :furious: . people who don`t have nice things just don`t care, and why should they... it`s not theirs. :rolleyes:

11-12-2005, 11:51 PM
One word..................GLOCK!!!!

I park all the way in the very end of the row. Still doesnt help though, some Ahole will park next to me. :furious: I think to be a ***. Who knows.

Ed Fisher
11-13-2005, 12:07 AM
Thank you so much for your backup and comforting efforts... I thought only I was cursed with this kind of annoying people ! it happens to me SO OFTEN that it`s unbelievable... :scared:

I was gonna go try out my orbital (and rotary if all else failed) but fpainful rustration DOES have to follow us doesn` t it ?? It`s not just raining but pouring !! The rain is LITERALLY tormenting ! :hairpull

:idea : It` s 09:30 right now and my neighboring garage will open around 10:30. I will go and see if they will have an empty stall for the car so I can try out the process...

Well this is what happens when you live at some #$½,%&é scyscraping block in a 15 million %&#$é½ city ! You don` t even have decent privacy, let aside a decent garage or car park ! Imagine that our blocks A Wing garage holds 46 cars at once while the B Wing holds 52 ! And you guys thought NYC was big and wild didn`t you ? Those of you who saw Istanbul know what I mean...

I have only 7 years before I earn honors for early retirement with full pensions and all (25 years of service) I will be 49 by then and kick me if I will EVER stay at this city as soon as I get retired !! I want to move my sorry butt to some small 1,500-population township where people know eachother and respect eachother !!

Well, gonna install those chrome bath fixtures which wife bought last month (which I successfuly dodged and avoided installing until now... they are SOO ugly and heavily ornate, so contrary to my taste ! )

Well today`s one o` those boring dark and rainy Sundays each of us suffer every now and then...


11-13-2005, 04:19 AM
One word..................GLOCK!!!!

. . . and I thought I was the only one who thinks like this :chuckle:

In the words of George Costanza - SERENITY NOW!

Ed Fisher
11-13-2005, 09:15 AM
. . . and I thought I was the only one who thinks like this :chuckle:

In the words of George Costanza - SERENITY NOW!

GLOCK like in a Glock 9 mm parabellum ? Hehhe could it be a Beretta M98 9mm ?

11-13-2005, 04:11 PM
Well, gonna install those chrome bath fixtures which wife bought last month (which I successfuly dodged and avoided installing until now...

Give them a nice coat of VM/Nattys for me :nervous:

Ed Fisher
11-13-2005, 10:13 PM
Give them a nice coat of VM/Nattys for me :nervous:

I called up the local garage and they said all the stalls were full for the weekend. So I could not :bolt and was stuck with a drill and screwdriver fixing all the chrome crap around the bathroom...

Wife was happy and she asked me to clean up after myself... I had to also use my orbital and some "Synpol" a German brand popular among boat owners for it`s outstanding water and salt resistance. (I use it for my undecarriage too) all around the shower cabin, chrome fixtures and ceramic tiles. Wife was so happy that she rewarded me with the honor to do the same for the kitchen ! :eek:

Anyhow, all is done... when it comes to wife` s demands you can run but you cannot run away... :o

11-14-2005, 06:54 PM
I park in the back of the lot always. At the grocery store I frequent, the lot has an unusually steep incline from the back of the lot to the storefront. This means I have to haul groceries uphill to the car. People give me some strange looks as I fight the load up the hill to no-mans land in a 90% empty lot. I get even stranger looks when I ride the shopping cart back down to the storefront at 25 mph. Hehe.....I`d park a junker in the back of that parking lot just to ride the shopping cart back down. I just wish I could steer the cart better.

11-14-2005, 07:01 PM
People just don`t care anymore. Someone backed into both my new car and my wife`s car one night at our apartment complex and then drove off. Mine only had 1,000 miles on it and was less than two months old. Luckily it just required repainting both bumpers. My best friend had his wife`s car run into this weekend in THEIR driveway. They live near a busy street and rude people occasionally use their driveway to turn around. Her rear quarter panel is damaged and paint is missing off the panel and her wheel. It`s almost not worth it to own nice stuff. Very sorry to hear about your misfortune.