View Full Version : I`m confused how do you not cause scratches with QEW

11-12-2005, 12:43 PM
I`m debating whether or not to buy QEW. I guess I just don`t understand how this can not cause marring? What`s differnent in QEW than just using a QD? Please help?

11-12-2005, 05:59 PM
I don`t exactly know how QEW doesn`t cause wash induced marring, but I did notice in the QEW tutorial in the hall of fame section that any dirt on the surface is taken up into the liquid and is then suspended there until it is wiped away with a towel. I guess the dirt being suspended in the QEW solution rather than being on the surface of the paint gives QEW its non-marring properties.

11-12-2005, 06:33 PM
all car washes are made to suspened dirt over the paints surface, not on it... I dont know enough about wash soaps to give you an answer about how QEW is different then conventional washes...in sure a sr. member will jump in here and give you what i cant...


11-12-2005, 06:46 PM
I don`t exactly know how QEW doesn`t cause wash induced marring, but I did notice in the QEW tutorial in the hall of fame section that any dirt on the surface is taken up into the liquid and is then suspended there until it is wiped away with a towel. I guess the dirt being suspended in the QEW solution rather than being on the surface of the paint gives QEW its non-marring properties.

From what I understand, that`s pretty much correct. QEW suspends the dirt, and has lots of lubrication so that the dirt doesn`t damage the paint. I suppose it works pretty much just like any other car wash - except it`s formulated so there`s no need to rinse. QEW also causes dirt to fall to the bottom of the wash / rinse bucket (only one bucket needed), so that it stays away from the towel.

All that really matters is that it works! :)

11-14-2005, 09:37 AM
All that really matters is that it works! :)

That`s what I say, too. Kind of like the telephone, I don`t know how it works, but I know it does !

11-14-2005, 09:41 AM
QEW also causes dirt to fall to the bottom of the wash / rinse bucket (only one bucket needed), so that it stays away from the towel.

Huh? I thought gravity did that?

I agree with Jim`s response. I can`t explain exactly how the chemical formula of QEW allows it to clean the paint without any marring, but I can vouch for its ability to do so.

11-14-2005, 10:00 AM
is the QEW that you are discussing the same as the one available from excel detail?

11-14-2005, 10:02 AM
Yes it is.

11-14-2005, 02:24 PM
Agree with what`s been said. It`s the sufactants in shampoos that lift and encapsulate the dirt that allow you to safely move them off the paint. As far as QEW marring paint, if it does, it`s probably due to the media being used (i.e. dirty sponge, etc.) and not QEW itself.

Scottwax posted something pretty interesting about the sufactants in QEW a few years back.....searching for that thread. :work:

11-14-2005, 02:34 PM
Huh? I thought gravity did that?

I agree with Jim`s response. I can`t explain exactly how the chemical formula of QEW allows it to clean the paint without any marring, but I can vouch for its ability to do so.

actually i believe the density causes that

11-14-2005, 05:40 PM
From the creators themselves:

The answers are from a Champion (the manufacturer of the product) representative:

Where does the dirt go?

The best answer I can give you is "into the towel or wash mitt and then into the bucket." The agents in Quick & Easy Wash are a blend of Surfactants, surface active agents in lay persons terms. These agents are already in use, and have been, in traditional car washing products used in both, hand wash and line wash systems. So the science is not new or unique, just the application. What sets our product apart from the crowd is mostly the lack of SUDS, amongst other and various and sundry other subtleties.

Suds are an unnecessary byproduct of soap. When Quick & Easy Wash is used in the washing process the suds are eliminated and the surfactants do the work. Part of the work they do is to envelope or suffocate the surface. Two things happen, the electrostatic or chemical bond between the dirt solids and or hydrocarbon solids (this covers most of the soils found on cars) is broken. Next, these soils are enveloped or wrapped and trapped into the surfactant and then into the washing media such as a towel or wash mitt. At rinse time, the towel is plunged into either a clean bucket of water ( using the two bucket method ) or back into the Quick & Easy Wash. In either case the same is true, the dirt solids succumb to the rinsing motion and use gravity to fall out of the washing media and fall to the bottom of the bucket. You can see this if you look into your bucket after doing a wash job.

How come it doesn`t scratch?

In order to address potential scratching, the product contains a element that crosses the lines between polymers, lubricants, and waxes. It is true that if you bear down on a wet cloth over a dirty surface you will get scratches. However, our products make up will help to minimize the occurrence. So don`t press down hard, with any washing product. Let`s face it, scratching can occur even on a totally clean surface with a poor selection of washing media. Chose and dedicate washing cloths or mitts to a specific task and use them for nothing else. My current best pick for washing media is material called Microfiber, it is easy to find and we are working presently with an importer/manufacturer to bring it to our line of products, but that`s another topic for another time.

11-14-2005, 06:15 PM
actually i believe the density causes that

Well, gravity pulls the particles of highest density to the bottom.

But the dirt particles are more dense than water, whether it has QEW in it or not.