View Full Version : Ozone Generator Machine

11-10-2005, 09:58 PM
Is this machine any good? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Your professional opinion will be very helpful. Thank you.

11-10-2005, 11:29 PM
No idea which machine you speak of. But...speaking in general terms....I would say they are quite effective indeed.

When I was 14, we had rather a huge fire. Lost an entire floor, actually. The place smelled like the devil between the smoke, charred 80-year-old wood from the rafters, and electrical insulation and the like.

The insurance company hired a cleanup firm who brought in three or four such generators which they placed strategically around the place. All were roughly the size and shape of an electric space heater. They locked the doors and left these running for something like a week. Afterwards...there was only a very slight odor left. This residual smell died away after about nine months or a year.


11-10-2005, 11:46 PM
I know a guy who just used an ozone generator in his BMW. His car had sort of a musty smell because he garages it during the winter. He took it to the dealership and they sprayed some kind of lemon-y smelling garbage all through his ventilation system. It killed the mildew, but left a sickeningly sweet lemon smell it the car. He rented an ozone generator from some company and it cured the lemon smell problem 99%.

11-11-2005, 05:26 AM
So it does have an adverse effect on the rubber parts? I kinda heard it from someone that ozone machines tend to dry out rubber and plastic parts? Care to input anyone?

11-11-2005, 07:50 AM
I borrowed on from EuroCar Service once and it worked so-so. I was trying to eliminate odor from a fried (by somebody else) clutch that had *really* permeated the interior of an Audi. The machine made it a lot better but didn`t eliminate it 100%. Sure did kill off any other odors though, so I`d still give it a :up

No problems with any rubber/etc. from when I used it. I`d think that the relatively little time such materials are actually exposed to the ozone would be insufficient to cause trouble.

11-11-2005, 08:06 AM

That is the link to an article I wrote for Sept`s issue of PC and D. It talks about the four methods of removing odors/killing bacteria.

Rob Regan

11-12-2005, 07:46 AM
Thanks very much for the replies.

11-12-2005, 06:53 PM
I found a machine from JENESCO, INC., FM1? Anyone tried this machine before?