View Full Version : V. V. V. bad car cleaning process

11-07-2005, 07:52 AM
I have a bit of a running argument with my wife about some local car cleaners.

She`s convinced that they do a perfectly good job and can`t see why I bother to clean the cars myself.

Well this weekend I happened to be in the same car park as the guys doing the cleaning so I sat in the car for 20 mins and watched their process.

1. Spray an unknown chemical on the skirts, front and wheels

2. Full-power jet wash all over the car and wheels

3. Shampoo the car using two enormous sponges

4. Clean the wheels using a mitt

5. Full-power jet wash to rinse shampoo off

6. Aqua blade most of the water off

7. Quick chamois over to remove the rest of the water

8. Open all doors and wipe round frames

9. Quick application of tire dressing.

The problems with this are huge.

a. The jet wash was brutal

b. They use sponges, which are never rinsed, the water (even between cars) is never changed, horrible, disgusting dirty water. (but hidden by the bubbles)

c. Aqua blade never ever cleaned (even between cars)

d. Chamois never cleaned

e. All the cloths used of the car were disgustly dirty

Horrible to watch all these cars queuing to have their "quality car wash" done. (It must be a good wash because it costs £20!!!)

.....and then a brand new Aston Martin DB9 turned up for a wash ....

I almost got out of my car and warned him but I don`t think the small army of Albanians doing the car cleaning would have been too pleased with me warning off their customers.

I now concluded the argument with the wife .... I told her straight that she must NEVER EVER EVER EVER take either of the cars to these monkeys. Hopefully that`s sunk in because I`m going to be utterly livid if she does.

11-07-2005, 09:52 AM
I`d educate your wife by showing her what various defects look like, and how they`re caused by poor detailing, and then point out that such defects are not acceptable to you on your family`s cars. Pick some analogy that she`ll relate to (uneven seam stitching on a dress, or imporper pressing at the cleaners) and say that it`s all a matter of applying the same high standards to all areas of your lives.

11-07-2005, 11:00 AM
I`m fresh off that boat, and can add some perspective. A month ago, I would have thought that the local "Rain Tree" did an outstanding job. It is, after all, a hand wash right? When cars go in, they are pretty dirty. They look fabulous on the way out. Very shiny and reflective. Many carwashes don`t get the door jambs. These guys do a great job inside and out.

Then I became educated...

First, I would NEVER subject my new rims to those horrible push tracks. They are sure to gouge the heck out of them. Then, they toss their mitts on the ground and dip them in filthy water between washes. On the way out, they toss about 20 used terry cloth towels on the hood and an army of underpaid immigrants go to work. They scrub the heck out of the car with those towels.

After the wash, the car looks clean to the untrained eye. As a newly educated noob, I can now tell what a disaster that whole process is. Not only are they screwing every person that goes through their wash, but they don`t leave the cars very clean at all. As "clean" as these cars look, they are all unprotected, with what is left of their clear coat exposed to bugs, tar, bird crap and the elements.

The bottom line is - if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. I wouldnt trust Santa Claus with my new car.

I dropped my applicators and clay on the ground at least 5 times last weekend. How many people are going to care enough to do the right thing and replace them? That answer to that question is ONE.

11-07-2005, 11:46 AM
Just tell the wife you`re the man, and she will do as you command, so go fix some eggs.

11-07-2005, 01:19 PM
Just tell the wife you`re the man, and she will do as you command, so go fix some eggs.

Sounds like someone isnt married. There is a reason wives are typically referred to as "the boss". :nixweiss

11-07-2005, 01:42 PM
Just tell the wife you`re the man, and she will do as you command, so go fix some eggs.

...and then I`ll get my coat and go and sleep in the shed!

11-07-2005, 04:21 PM
Sounds like someone isnt married. There is a reason wives are typically referred to as "the boss". :nixweiss

In our house she is referred to as "Senior Management" :D

11-07-2005, 08:40 PM
Why do women wear white on their wedding day? Because the color of the dishwasher should always match the stove and refrigerator..... :D

11-07-2005, 09:57 PM
ok I have an idea. tell her you`re considering, considering mind you, a proposition to test her theory.

she sends her detailed, swirl-free finish through this "perfectly good" dantes inferno nightmare-like ordeal. suggest before and after photos. if the car returns totally unaffected by the ordeal, then you submit. when it`s returned in the condition we all know it will be, she pays for your upcoming order of products to repair the damage.

I`m a serial monogamist myself, but my girlfriend would back down at just the thought of this.

11-08-2005, 01:22 AM
Nasty indeed, my only question is were they spraying the high pressure gun straight at the paint?

If so then I`d agree with you however I do it from side on using horizontal and vertical angles and PSI is no more than 1000 and I`ve used 1500 psi like that and been fine

11-08-2005, 01:56 AM
I agree. I actually use a power sprayer and I don`t think it`s a bad thing. But I do keep the pressure on it`s minimum and always at an angle and not direct at the paint.

These guys had the pressure washer on maximum and just blasted the hell out of the paint.

I still feel that I should have mentioned something to the guy with the brand new DB9. Just makes my skin crawl knowing that a £106,000 car was treated like that.