View Full Version : Listen to this recipe for a disastrous car wash...

11-05-2005, 04:22 PM
So someone decided on a car board to post a "cleaning method" post, and I get someone who gives me this recipe:

water, dish soap, and kerosene.

For a regular car wash :scared: :shocked

But he seems to think this is ok for a regular car wash and won`t believe me about the dangers of it... so I promised to post a thread amongst other detailers and share YOUR responses with them so they would understand it is not just I who thinks this is a bad regualr car wash.

Help me convince him to use a mix of water, dishsoap and kerosene :nomore:

11-05-2005, 04:40 PM
The kerosene will strip off any wax or sealant that is on there, and leave an oily film behind. The oily film will look bad and attract dirt.

Why would he make his own car shampoo? There are lots of good shampoo products available that are not expensive.

11-05-2005, 04:41 PM
Oh wow, thats scary. He must not like his paint or something. I always though that gas will eat your paint off let alone kerosene. We use gas to clean alot of things at our shop (mechanic shop) we even pour it in our parts washer.

General Lee
11-05-2005, 04:49 PM
Maybe he just needs a


Then maybe he will understand

11-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Kerosene is not that hard on paint. If you`ve got some grease or something on your paint then kerosene is an effective way to remove it. You`ll need to follow up with something else to clean off the kerosene residue, then put some wax on.

It isn`t something you want to use routinely though.

11-05-2005, 05:08 PM
Kerosene is not that hard on paint. If you`ve got some grease or something on your paint then kerosene is an effective way to remove it. You`ll need to follow up with something else to clean off the kerosene residue, then put some wax on.

It isn`t something you want to use routinely though.

I mentioned Keresone would be ok to remove bad tar or sap if needed, but to wash again, and it would not be a good thing to use routinely. He just doesn`t get it I guess :o

11-05-2005, 07:18 PM
I mentioned Keresone would be ok to remove bad tar or sap if needed, but to wash again, and it would not be a good thing to use routinely. He just doesn`t get it I guess :o

If he`s that hardheaded and really believes in his wash routine, let him be. He`ll find out what happens in the future.

11-05-2005, 07:36 PM
kerosene was an old school trick to gloss up single stage paints. serves no purpose with a clear coat.

11-05-2005, 11:01 PM
kerosene was an old school trick to gloss up single stage paints. serves no purpose with a clear coat.

I have also heard of diesel. Years ago i heard of a group of people looking for an answer to remove the oxidation off an old chevy van. Guess what they settled on.

I wish i would of seen the van sometime after, to see if there was any paint left, as they used tranny fluid. I bet it did work.