View Full Version : Making an order, need you opinions on my choices first

11-05-2005, 02:42 PM
I am planning on making an order from the autopia store in the next week or two. I have some products picked out that I like but I just wanted to see what you guys/girls thought of my choices before I make it.

So here it goes. (this is the same order that I am going to wash it in so critique please!)

wash,dry,clay then....

Im going to buy the following:

P21S Paintwork Cleanser

Sonus SFX-1 (I dont need this on my car but on my aunts Expedition because of BAD swirl marks)

Sonus SFX-2

Sonus SFX-3

Klasse All-In-One

P21S Carnauba Wax (Or should I get Meguires #16?)

Sonus Der Wunder Applicators

Sonus Der Wunder Wasche (thoughts on this product???)

Sonus DAS Orange, Green, And Blue pads.

Thanks ahead of time :buffing:

11-05-2005, 03:38 PM
Use the SFX polishes before the P21S Paintwork Cleanser (GEPC) or AIO. Don`t bother using both. AIO and GEPC are both paint cleaners. Using both of them would be redundant. Just pick one.

I would get a sealant too, since you`ve got similar weather to what I have to deal with here over winter. The sealant will help the durability a lot.

11-05-2005, 04:46 PM
So I should get either the P21S or the Klasse instead of both?

So if I go with the Klasse then I should get the AIO and the Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze.

And when I detail my truck I should wash, dry, clay, SFX Polishes, AIO, Sealant, then wax? Also which pads should I use with what?

11-05-2005, 05:57 PM







SFX 2 can be used with the orange pad, as well as sfx 1. SFX 3 can be used with the polishing pad or the finishing pad.

AIO can be used witht he polishing pad also. I like to mist it with QD so the AIO doesnt dry out so quick.

11-06-2005, 01:16 AM
So I should get either the P21S or the Klasse instead of both?

So if I go with the Klasse then I should get the AIO and the Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze.

And when I detail my truck I should wash, dry, clay, SFX Polishes, AIO, Sealant, then wax? Also which pads should I use with what?


Yes. Or a different sealant. It`s up to you. Klasse SG will be very durable for winter, so it`s not a bad choice considering the winter conditions around this area.

Yes. Some people like to dry their cars before claying, and others like to clay while the car is still wet after rinsing. It`s all a matter of preference.

SFX1 - orange or yellow

SFX2 - orange, green

SFX3 - green, blue, gray

AIO - green, blue, gray. It can be used with orange or yellow, but that`s really just for removing BAD oxidation. It`s rarely necessary.

Sealants or waxes (LSPs) - gray

11-06-2005, 11:47 AM
sprtslvr785- Yeah, get the AIO, it`s great to have around for all sorts of jobs (cleaning wheels, doing doorjambs, etc.). But if I were you, considering that winter`s coming and all, I`d get some Collinite wax instead of any other LSP. Great protection, decent looks, and it`s pretty user-friendly. I mention this because you would`ve been interested in #16 if it were still available and I switch from #16 to Collinite for the winter. While I use KSG on one of our vehicles, it takes a few coats to give great winter protection and many people think it`s a pain to work with. In many ways I prefer the Collinite for winter use- one of it`s great features is the way it sorta "self cleans" in the rain/wet. And Collinite looks better (IMO) than KSG if you have a little residual marring. Sealants make marring jump out at you while waxes sorta hide marring a little bit.