View Full Version : Detailing with vinyl stripes?

Preachers Sheets
11-04-2005, 09:34 AM
Have any of you detailed alot of cars with vinyl striples?

I am worried if my Cyclo polisher gets even close to the vinyl stripe it will take some of ink off the stripe and sort of fade the color (are they delicate).

Am I safe or will there be trouble? It sucks because along the entire side of the car the stripe and rubber window molding are like 4 inches apart. I dont want to hit the molding or stripe with the Cyclo and it`s just one more time consuming area I`ll have to detail by hand if need be.

11-04-2005, 03:31 PM
You could always tape off the stripes with 3M Painters tape or do the area around the stripes by hand.

Older stripes that have been exposed to UV tend to fade.

11-04-2005, 04:41 PM
Have any of you detailed alot of cars with vinyl stripes?

I am worried if my Cyclo polisher gets even close to the vinyl stripe it will take some of ink off the stripe and sort of fade the color (are they delicate).

Am I safe or will there be trouble?

Personally, I would only polish and wax the areas near vinyl stripes by hand. That`s the only sure way to know that you`re not going to cause any damage.

11-05-2005, 01:11 AM
You could tape off or test an area with a mild cleaner product. If no transfer then you show be okay, but keep an eye on the tape.

Personally i don`t find much problem, even with a rotary. Of course if it is airbrushed then i would be careful.