View Full Version : Newspaper advertising?

11-01-2005, 04:06 PM
I was wondering if any of you have tried NP adverts. I`m thinking of advertising in the ride`s section in my local paper, comes out every Thursday.

Also I`m going to send out some direct mails to docs, lawyers, dentists, realtors, etc...

11-01-2005, 06:18 PM
Have done it in the past, and doing it now. Honestly, it has not paid off that well for me. My previous add ran from May until October or so. I got maybe six calls, and only one person had me come do work. The initial add was a bit small though. Currently, I am running a bigger and more expensive add in the same paper, every other week. I think it has run two times so far. I have only received one phone call from it. The newspaper has a pretty large circulation to a wealthy population. Give it a try and see what happens. With marketing, you never know until you try something.

11-02-2005, 06:01 AM
The best advertising of FREE advertising. I volunteered to post detailing tips in out community paper and I get to advertise for free. It was so successful that they gave me my own detailing section. It is a question and answer column where people write in and I respond, Its a win win deal. Gary

11-02-2005, 07:14 AM
We tried it. We put a business size ad in the weekly auto pullout in the paper. It was just for that week. We didn`t get any hits off it. We did a local free paper that is in stores. That ad did really well for us. One month we recived about 7 jobs from it. It was for a $50 that we had on for $10 off I think. 5 of the 7 upgraded to the $115 package.

We did a car wash for a charity and were giving free write ups in the newspaper. We recived a $225 job the fisrt day it came out. And then we had a guy come in that just got one car done and will be bringing in his other one. We also have another story about the wash going in another paper and that should be out now or in a few days and that one stays around for a month.

It tough but you don`t really know what is going to work and what isn`t. I have found that the business card ads don`t do very well. And one time ads don`t seem to do it.


11-02-2005, 11:41 AM
Why pay for advertising in the newspapers when you can get them to do a story about your business for free.

Here`s a link to NewsVoyager.com which has a directory to just about every newspaper in America. Just send an email and a brief article about your business to every newspaper in your area. It`s easy, it works and best of all, it`s free.


11-02-2005, 05:30 PM
You are much better off putting the money into a small Yellow Pages insert ad. I tried newspaper ads early on and didn`t get a single call. Once I got into the phone book, I got calls. Once you get established, you can do without the insert ad and just go with a simple listing.

11-03-2005, 11:43 PM
I agree with Scottwax, Yellow pages are a good first step. Of course the problem is that it isn`t an instant ad, as you have to wait for it to come out.

11-04-2005, 06:48 AM
You are much better off putting the money into a small Yellow Pages insert ad. I tried newspaper ads early on and didn`t get a single call. Once I got into the phone book, I got calls. Once you get established, you can do without the insert ad and just go with a simple listing.

What was your NP circulation number?

What section of the NP did you advertise in?

Who design your ad?

How large was it?

Was it 4 color or black and white?

IMHO The Yellow Pages are too expensive for what you receive and it becomes, “the battle of the biggest adâ€. This benefits the Yellow Pages and not the advertiser. If you do not answer the phone and it goes to voice mail, expect the client to call on the next ad. Another mistake is to have the Yellow Pages design your add. Personally, Direct Sales and Marketing is the way I spend my money.

11-04-2005, 07:23 AM
One thing about advertising is that there is a common rule people have to see your ad three different times before they will call you. So when they decide to call you they need your ph# so they look in the yellow pages. Or they need a Detailer they look in yellow pages and they see ten Detailers listed but they have seen your biz name three different times so they will call you.

A biz sign on a car and or trailer makes great free advertising, you can park your trailer on busy upscale street corner.