View Full Version : Nice Scratch! - Touch up now, wetsand in the spring?

10-30-2005, 09:05 PM
Noticed a nice little 4 inch or so thin (yet deep) scratch on the front of my A4 today... a certain family member is suspect (since it was in the garage for the last two weeks and wasn`t there previously).

I`ve attached the "crime scene" photo below...

Seeing as I have a few other blemishes (one scratched ding in the passenger door - same side) I am thinking of having that spot repaired in the spring. With a Canadian winter approaching bringing who-knows-what, I am thinking touch-up + wet sanding is a little much now.

Using a careful "toothpick" method and Audi touch-up + clear, is it feasible to fill the scratch in for now and then have it wet sanded in the spring? Or am I better off doing everything now?

Also, is it advisable to try and polish the scratch down first (ie. Menzerna IP or FP)... or just make sure it`s clean and paint away? Or would Scratch-X be of any help?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

10-30-2005, 10:54 PM
Sometimes you never know with clearcoat..If its all the way through no chance.

I had a truck full of scratches that looked unrepairable at first but I gave it a shot.

Dont think I can cross-post pics so If you want look in Click and Brag under Pretty Good Results.

10-31-2005, 01:20 PM
3Dog, nice work there... never would have thought those would have come out.

I think I am just gonna try covering it with the toothpick + touchup... I know it won`t make it disappear, but it`s just that a white scratch on black paint is an absolute magnet for the eye. There are plenty of other imperfections on the car, so if it`s just less visible then it`s alright.