View Full Version : Winterize?

10-30-2005, 08:45 AM
i live in upstate NY and am debating on wether or not I need to do th full process again before winter. In mid Aug. I did AIO, 4 layers of SG and I have been topping with S100 ever 3 weeks. The car is still beading really well and feels pretty smooth. Should I hit it with AIO and 2 coats of SG or did the S100 protect the SG in which case I shouldn`t stirp anything?

10-30-2005, 08:52 AM
You should be good for the winter.

What`s SR though?? Do you mean SG?

10-30-2005, 09:18 AM
Thanks! I`m not really sure, can someone correct me if I am wrong? Does the S100 actually protect the SG or does the SG still lose its bond with the paint just based on time?

* I meant SG

10-30-2005, 10:01 AM
The S100 will protect the SG if maintained properly. The thing is, even though your protectants will always be there, there`s really nothing you can do to stop natural micro marring. That being said, you should be well protected for the winter by keeping up with the S100 layer, but the overall look of the finish will slowly degrade.