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01-26-2005, 08:34 PM
How many times have we all been pulled over. IM looking for stories and any other funny info you have.. We should all be able to chime in! haha

Ill start.

I have never been pulled over. The closest was when i passed a cop on my left going 55+ in a 30. He was to lazy to pull me over so he just flashed his spotlight at me. HE might have been off duty?

LEts here yours now!


01-26-2005, 08:36 PM
never......yet....i should have been a few times but nothin as of yet.

01-26-2005, 08:46 PM
I have been driving for just over 5 years now and I have been pulled over probably around 10 times. About half were for BS; like rolling through a stop sign that wasnt there (I had to show the cop there really was not, he apologized), having a headlight out, or just driving late at night and having the cops thinking I was a DUI :nono . The other half were pretty much driving too fast. On a positive note I got out of all but one, where my friend decided to get out of the car as the officer was walking towards us, after that the cop wasnt in such a good mood :beat. He cost me $94 but is just lucky he didnt get shot.

01-26-2005, 08:55 PM
Boy, I`m moving to MN to do my speeding!! :lol

In 30 years of driving & riding, I`ve been stopped 8 times & received 4 tickets to the Policemen`s Ball. The first was for speeding, second for a rolling stop & the last two were for "improper lane usage".

01-26-2005, 08:59 PM
Boy, I`m moving to MN to do my speeding!! :lol

In 30 years of driving & riding, I`ve been stopped 8 times & received 4 tickets to the Policemen`s Ball. The first was for speeding, second for a rolling stop & the last two were for "improper lane usage".


In my town of lake city.. 5500 poeple and 2 cops on duty at a time. haha. I rarely obey the speed limit. hehe


01-26-2005, 09:03 PM
Never. Closest was 35 in a 30 zone by the security in our neighborhood but he just flashed his lights at me. Yes, the security is able to write tickets (they`re not the typical security you would think of).

01-26-2005, 09:38 PM
at least 50 times. i was a wildman in my younger days .. i got enough war stories to last a lifetime :beat :drunk :notpossib :onthespot :car

01-26-2005, 09:51 PM
5 times in 9 years. 2 for going 72 in a 55, 1 passing in a no passing zone, 1 for tail light out, and 1 for swirving because I worked 22 hours straight and was so exhausted started dazing off. But I only got a ticket for the no passing zone.

01-26-2005, 10:07 PM
im a young driving career ive had a few close calls, but no ticket yet :). one time i was going down hill at about 50 mph in a 35 mph, and going around a blind corner i didnt see a cop and he saw me, but he didnt do anything about it luckily. the other time happened when i was late for band rehersal in the evening and i was doing around 65 mph in a 55 zone (freeway). the last time was when i was with my dad and we were going to the airport, i was coming off the off ramp at about 50 mph then suddenly this car in front of my starts braking really hard and im thinking what the %#*@, and then i see the cop in front of us. whew, lucky for the guy in front of us, neither my dad nor i saw the cop that was there.

im just wondering, whats a rolling stop?

01-26-2005, 10:27 PM
21 years old and 16 times.

I have been pulled over by every law enforcement officer possible. I have NO convicted moving violations...just a few "fix-it" tickets. I have calmed down from my wild stage but mainly get pulled over now for my windows and bright paint ;).

01-26-2005, 11:35 PM
zesty man,

A rolling stop is when you do not come to a complete stop at a red light, stop sign, etc. Instead, you slow down but the wheels never completely stop moving. It is also called a Californian Stop, and if you live in an area where traffic laws are actually enforced, you will get a pretty little ticket as a souvenir. ;)

01-26-2005, 11:49 PM
I`ve been pulled over atlest 10 times. A few speeding warnings. I got 1 warning the first night i had the underbody kit on my car. 1 warning for unlawful use of red lights to the front (map lights LED) and was accused of impersinating an officer. 72 in a 55 written down to 65. 40 in a 30 zone in town. Oh yah and illegal use of blue lights to the rear (also LED`s)

that sums up most of em i think

01-27-2005, 12:02 AM
zesty man,

A rolling stop is when you do not come to a complete stop at a red light, stop sign, etc. Instead, you slow down but the wheels never completely stop moving. It is also called a Californian Stop, and if you live in an area where traffic laws are actually enforced, you will get a pretty little ticket as a souvenir. ;)

ah, i see, im guility of that :). i think everyone in hawaii does that, but people dont really care around here

The Chee
01-27-2005, 02:10 AM
never, I`m a good boy ;)

01-27-2005, 06:36 AM
more times than I wish to admit. :lol
But fortunate enough where they didn`t always end in a ticket :D