View Full Version : I’m just curious, …. How often do you ?

10-15-2005, 01:02 PM
How often do you guys break out the PC on your own Daily drives. I polish mine about every eight to ten months. But I wax by hand about once a month.

And also what products do you use????


10-15-2005, 01:33 PM
Other than the occasional RIDS I don`t polish more than once a year, if that. But I redo the LSPs whenever I think it needs doing, or whenever I have the time/inclination. Products vary for LSPs depending on the vehicle, but I still do most of my polishing with 3M`s PI-III RC/MG.

10-15-2005, 01:50 PM
I try not to properly polish by PC more than once a year, but I frequently crack it out to apply VM and RMG when I want to clean up the paint a little.

a.k.a. Patrick
10-15-2005, 02:11 PM
I`ll go with a polish and PC twice a year, and a paint cleaner and PC twice a year...Naturally a LSp follows......

10-15-2005, 06:12 PM
Normally once per year, unless I need to work out a `small area problem`.

I try not to polish needlessly, as:

1) Paint is of finite thickness, and once it`s gone . . . it`s gone

2) I`ve got better things to do with my Saturdays (kid`s little league does beat polishing)

If you keep on top of things, little problems don`t turn into big problems, and once a year should be plenty.

10-15-2005, 07:45 PM
...But I redo the LSPs whenever I think it needs doing, or whenever I have the time/inclination...

I do about the same and I use the PC because of how even & thin the PC applies the sealant.

**Edited to add: In fact, I just bought a can of NXT paste to try out & put 2 coats on a few hours ago, despite the fact that I just put a coat of NXT liquid & Collinite IW last week.

10-15-2005, 10:07 PM
About 4 times a year since I bought the car, the paint was absolutely hideous and I didn`t have two full, uninterupted days to polish it out properly. Probably a couple more polishing sessions over the next 6 months and pretty much anything correctible will be. Getting the hood repainted, it was already repainted at some point and they didn`t lay the base coat down evenly. Light streaks the length of the hood under certain light. Ugh.

10-16-2005, 01:48 PM
1-2x per year (w/ FPII), and trouble spots as they appear. I`ll clay and LSP about three times.

10-16-2005, 02:01 PM
I do about the same and I use the PC because of how even & thin the PC applies the sealant.

**Edited to add: In fact, I just bought a can of NXT paste to try out & put 2 coats on a few hours ago, despite the fact that I just put a coat of NXT liquid & Collinite IW last week.

...and yet a final (for this week anyway) coat this morning

10-17-2005, 04:38 AM
I have not had the PC for a full year, but I plan to polish twice a year. I do use it for reapplying my LSP and doing touchups every few weeks though. When my schedule gets busy I am sure I will do this less.


10-17-2005, 12:19 PM
A few times a year I`ll pull out a cleaner like AIO or GEPC and use that with my PC. As far as an SMR step, once a year. Twice at most.