View Full Version : My car doesn`t dry after it rains?

10-13-2005, 08:25 PM
Let me try to explain:

I`ve currently been waxing my car with either S100 or Natty`s Blue. They`ve both produced excellent results and good beading--which seems to be the problem. Everytime it rains, the droplets seem to sit there and hold place for an entire day. Sometimes I`ve woken up in the morning after a heavy rainshower the night before, and there would be areas of the car still full of water beads, while all of my neighbors` cars have completely dried. The result is usually water spotting unless I am able to dry the water off before.

I`ve always been under the impression that water beading was good, but I`ve never completely understood why. What is supposed to be the benefit? Is there a type of product that helps sheet water off paint like Rain-X does on windows?

I certainly won`t stop waxing but I`m curious to know why the wax appears to create a `delayed effect` on my car drying. Or if it`s even that and not something else...

I also really need to get myself a garage. :scared:

10-13-2005, 09:16 PM
Any chance of parking facing downhill? Sounds like your biggest enemy is gravity.

10-13-2005, 09:25 PM
the weathershield HD is a great car cover... just have them sew flannel into the seams.

Setec Astronomy
10-13-2005, 09:43 PM
As to your question about beading being good....it`s not really good as far as water spotting, and the reason your car takes longer to dry is that the largely spherical shape of a bead has a very large volume-to-surface area relative to water that sheets out on the surface (smaller exposed surface area means slower evaporation). Everybody likes beads because it`s tangible evidence that your car has wax protection on it, they look cool, and it`s entertaining when they run off.