View Full Version : Does this happen to anyone else?

01-24-2005, 11:14 AM
It seems that everytime that I go on the DC website, a couple of things happen: First, I feel like detailing a car, next I feel like buying some products. Is it just me or does this happen to anyone else. I should have logged on yesterday. I was going to do some heavy duty compounding on my Passat, wax it and take some pics, but I was just too tired. I mean, I couldn`t shake it. I went shopping with my wife Saturday and man, those woman can really throw it down when they shop! LOL Anyway, the weather here in Denver is quite pleasant for January. I got a new Canon EOS Rebel Digital Pics coming soon as soon as I figure out how to use the thing. Hope all is well around the country. :dancin

01-24-2005, 11:23 AM
i know what you mean. the wife thinks that it is an endurance sport. gets her tennis shoes on and her sweats to do an afternoon of shopping. all i do is look for the benches in the mall and wait until she comes out of a store.

also understand the complexities of the digital camera and the posting of pictures. if it were not for my wife i would have no pictures to display because i am not able to get the job done. i try not to ask my wife to do these things because she has a lot of other stuff to do. yet when it gets bad enough off i go and ask her to get the job done.

01-24-2005, 11:23 AM
LOL. I think I have the same disease, disorder, whatever you want to call it. Last night I was reading about Adam;s SD, and I thought what the hell I`ll try some and ended up spending 70$ at their site. I`m sure we`e not the only 2 either.......

01-24-2005, 12:38 PM
Yeah, I just lost my job, so what do I do? I go out and spend $150 on detailing stuff, and that`s not including the PC I bought just a few weeks ago. Once it gets warmer I plan to make that money back though, so it`s all good.