View Full Version : Break Kleen

10-05-2005, 09:25 AM
Has anyone ever use this stuff on their car to clean any scratches or swirls? I dont know how safe this stuff is on paint but boy it sure cleans up tree sap, minor scratches, dirt, glue etc..

the other pc
10-05-2005, 09:56 AM
I`m not familiar with Break Kleen.

Do you perhaps mean Break-Free CLP weapons cleaner or Brake-Kleen solvent for cleaning brake calipers?

I use both, Brake-Kleen when working on brakes and Break-Free for cleaning/lubing guns and tools. Break-Free works well on garden tools (cuts through sap).

Even though they`d probably dissolve tar and sap just fine I wouldn`t use either on paint. Don`t know how compatible they are with the finish (and Break-Free is primarily a lubricant, loaded with slimy oils). Even if they were paint safe neither will do zip for scratches and swirls, they have zero abrasives.