View Full Version : will this last out the winter?? klasse Q

10-04-2005, 10:15 AM
okay over the last 3 months ive started to use klasse

i aio `d twice , then built up 6 layers of sg, for the last month ive put on 2 coats of s100

im kinda regretting the s100...as i cant now put more sg on top (or can i?)

i dont really want to strip it back and start again...or should i?

10-04-2005, 10:20 AM
I would say yes if you maintain it reguarly.

If I were you I`d strip it in November and re-do it. However, if that`s not feasible, a weekly QD and monthly coat of S100 should do just fine.

10-04-2005, 10:28 AM
i guess i could strip it and put on one coat of sg...would that be alot better than whats on there now?

its just the weather is getting a touch iffy here now... could be nice for a few more weeks or could be cold n rainy

10-04-2005, 11:25 AM
2 layers of sg lasted through last years nasty jersey winter for me, its a non garaged car. Washed it atleast twice a month , not ideal but it was really nasty last winter temp wise.

10-04-2005, 04:03 PM
Nah, I don`t think you`ll need to start over. I did something similar back when I was topping and it held up just fine. I would consider keeping up with the wax and I`d use something longer lasting during the winter. The SG will last a long, long time with a noncleaner wax on top of it. If you put a coat of Collinite 476S on it now, and another before the snow flies, you would probably be OK until spring. Even then I`d just clay *very* gently with the green Sonus clay and I`d guess that you might still have enough SG left to keep topping until you were in the mood to redo everything.

I finished applying the last of my six coats of SG around this time and it lasted *much* longer than just through the winter. But then I`m not commuting every day and I was gentle when I washed it.

But yeah, your situation is exactly why I quit topping my SG.

10-04-2005, 04:17 PM
Nah, I don`t think you`ll need to start over. I did something similar back when I was topping and it held up just fine. I would consider keeping up with the wax and I`d use something longer lasting during the winter. The SG will last a long, long time with a noncleaner wax on top of it. If you put a coat of Collinite 476S on it now, and another before the snow flies, you would probably be OK until spring. Even then I`d just clay *very* gently with the green Sonus clay and I`d guess that you might still have enough SG left to keep topping until you were in the mood to redo everything.

I finished applying the last of my six coats of SG around this time and it lasted *much* longer than just through the winter. But then I`m not commuting every day and I was gentle when I washed it.

But yeah, your situation is exactly why I quit topping my SG. Do you have a secret in removing SG? It seems very difficult in removing without leaving smudges and I do put it on in thin layers but maybe not thin enough.

10-05-2005, 01:00 AM
i wipe on-wipe off panel at a time...then go around with a new cloth damp with detail spray or water

10-05-2005, 07:08 AM
When was the last layers of SG .. I have done SG in Sept and its done all winter .. Isn`t winter in the UK more of a rainy season with possible snow? Its the salt and chemicals that will kill it along with washing a lot of dirt and grime off the car . If I understand right S100 has no cleaners so the SG should be under there still ..

I think your winter washing protocol will be more important in preserving the SG you have now .. don`t waste the time stripping the S100 .. it won`t last long anyway.

10-05-2005, 09:32 AM
yeah we dont get much snow, maybe a week...but we often have frosty weather and they salt the roads

i wash as often as i can in winter, i aim for at least once a week sometimes twice

10-05-2005, 12:16 PM
S100 over K twins doesn`t seem to be a good combo for my metallic blue car either. Absolutely hated it.

Try using a capful of AIO in the wash bucket along with your regular wash liquid. It usually perks up my SG layers and would aid in removing S100. It doesn`t strip SG like a regular AIO application would. It also increases the lubricity of the wash so salts come off easier during winter. Your 6 layers should do you good til spring.

10-05-2005, 12:20 PM
i dont really want to strip it back and start again

Want`s got nothing to do with it.

10-05-2005, 01:55 PM
Do you have a secret in removing SG? It seems very difficult in removing without leaving smudges and I do put it on in thin layers but maybe not thin enough.

I apply it so thinly I can`t see it, let it set up overnight, and fog the suface with my breath while I buff it off with a suede-style MF. IMO the trick is getting it thin enough.