View Full Version : Extractor questions...

Preachers Sheets
10-03-2005, 01:18 PM
I spent a good portion of today searching old posts and alot of people are suggesting trunk mounted extractors and other units which are just plain huge. I`m looking for the crowd who uses the Ninja, Sensi, Mytee and that size extractor.

1. What kind of vacuum (how many stages and what kind of “lift” strength).

2. Heater (what kind of wattage if it even matters, as long as it gets hot on it’s own right).

3. What about the heaters that are separate or built into the extractor.

4. What should I do about the 1 outlet and 2 outlet units?

5. Is the PSI strength for the pump (why does this matter, is it how hard the hot water will shoot out in the fabric)?

6. Container size if three gallon’s isn’t enough.

I obviously like the size of the handheld units (Top of the line and Autopia sells them) but the reputation of the larger units seems to be awesome. Are the smaller units as strong as the larger ones; just smaller?

I ask because with a price difference of more than 1,000.00 it seems like there could be more of trade off than just holding tank capacity. There must be some huge difference and I hope it’s not quality but I want to know before I spend 500.00 – 800.00 and feel like I wasted my money.

10-03-2005, 03:24 PM
All answers for lthe Century400 Sensi can be found at www.century400.com I like you researched extensively before I bought. If the majority of the vehicles you are servicing have cloth or fabric seats then I would say buy the Sensi. If not then you may not need an extractor just for carpets unless lthe vehicles you clean are trashed out from weekend hunting trips. The Sensi is as good as they say.

An alternative you should consider and research is a vapor steam cleaner. I have one of those as well and the results are outstanding and its faster than an extractor and the carpets are dry in a very short time so no risk of odors from wet carpet pads. If you need more details give me a call at (214) 415-1515.