View Full Version : Spraying on a QD before drying?

10-03-2005, 12:23 PM
I decided to try something yesterday...blew the car off with the leaf blower, still a little water left, so I misted some QD on the panels before I dried with the WW. Seemed to look a little better than usual, and felt very slick while drying. anyone ever try this before? I am sure you have, just looking for opinions as to whether or not this is a decent idea!


10-03-2005, 12:47 PM
Nothing new...been doing it for some time as I am sure most others here on the board.

10-03-2005, 12:55 PM
Yep..sorry if I sounded like a real newb, I am not. lol Just wondered if it was worth doing or not. I appreciate the comment! :)

10-03-2005, 12:59 PM
Coincidentally, I tried this with Z6 this weekend and wasn`t impressed.

In SoCal, it`s nearly impossible to dry the car in time to avoid water spots by the time you get around to the whole car. So, once I start hitting areas with spots, I spritz with distilled water, and the spots come right off. (Glass too, with no glass cleaner. Handy trick.)

So this time I figured why not shoot some Z6 onto the panel too, and save myself a trip around the car. So I tried that (DW spritz + Z6 spritz) and compared to a panel I just dried and to which I applied Z6 in the normal way. And compared to a panel I just dried normally.

Net result was that the panel with DW + Z6 was a bit slicker than a normally dried panel, but not nearly as slick as the one with normally applied Z6. So I won`t be bothering to do it this way in the future.

10-03-2005, 03:39 PM
Works GREAT with Adam`s Detail Spray. You can also use this strategy when QEW`ing. Before you dry off a panel, spray a little QD on to renew slickness/gloss simultaneously.

10-03-2005, 03:42 PM
What dropped my jaw was a post the other day (either here or at DC) talking about making QD out of water & sealant ! WOW. :xyxthumbs