View Full Version : Detailing for Dealers-Contract or Dealer Employed?

01-22-2005, 06:20 PM

There have been a few threads about detailing for dealers and I wanted to know if y`all do contract or dealer employment? Contract probably requires you to have liability insurance, correct? Would dealer employment cover that for you?

I was thinking if things get slow, and for steady work, to work for a dealer. I don`t have to support a family (I`m a student, after all) so if I make $14 an hour or more it would be great and I`d be pretty happy! Of course, that`s less than what I`ve charged clients so far, but detailing for dealers means pretty steady work.

How should I go about this/do it at all? I need to approach a dealer about it, but I need to convince them that they need me, and somehow get paid at least $14 an hour (detailing deserves at LEAST that). But if they hire me as an employee, say this summer, would I just say pay me so much? Probably not...so I don`t have much control over it. And if I have a contract, there`s insurance issues/liability, right?

Thanks for the help!

01-22-2005, 07:00 PM
I`ve been doing details for a Honda dealership for a while now and sometimes its good and sometimes its not so good.
What might help you as far as convincing them that they need you is first talk to the sales staff and find out if they are having to wait to long for final detail deliveries. Then go back to the detail department and see where they might need some help. I got in by selling the fact that they needed someone to rust proof their cars.(big profits for them)
Once your in then you can show them what you can really do, like charge 10% less for detailing the used cars and trade ins on the side. Explain to them the benefits of doing the cars on location.(less chance of wrecking a car while driving to a detail shop to get cleaned.) If they are a successful dealership,eventually you will only be doing trade ins and used cars and they will hire someone else to rust proof cars.
I am set up with a set salary and a commission per final car detail(new only), but when a trade in comes in I ask the manager to get detail quotes then I give him mine. good luck! PS. My rust proof supplier is perma plate.

There have been a few threads about detailing for dealers and I wanted to know if y`all do contract or dealer employment? Contract probably requires you to have liability insurance, correct? Would dealer employment cover that for you?

I was thinking if things get slow, and for steady work, to work for a dealer. I don`t have to support a family (I`m a student, after all) so if I make $14 an hour or more it would be great and I`d be pretty happy! Of course, that`s less than what I`ve charged clients so far, but detailing for dealers means pretty steady work.

How should I go about this/do it at all? I need to approach a dealer about it, but I need to convince them that they need me, and somehow get paid at least $14 an hour (detailing deserves at LEAST that). But if they hire me as an employee, say this summer, would I just say pay me so much? Probably not...so I don`t have much control over it. And if I have a contract, there`s insurance issues/liability, right?

Thanks for the help!

01-22-2005, 08:10 PM

I am too a student and i do some part time work for the local small town ford dealership.. My buddie hooked me up with the job in the summer time. I was making 10 an hour.. and now im up to 1250. I find that my work is very very underappreciated and i charge way way less than a customer car. The only thing that keeps me going back for his work is something my mom reminds me of. "your making more money working for him that you would sitting at home doing nothing". So i put my clients first and then if i have a free days then ill do a car or to for the ford detailer. SO like others have said in posts like that if your willing to cut prices alot then you can do it.

HOpe this helps


01-22-2005, 11:26 PM
i am employed by a dealer.i get paid hourly, plus bonus for extras. the detailing dept. is VERY under appreciated in dealerships, but that will never change. i have been working for dealers for 10 years and it has always been the same. they think great detailers are a dime a dozen,good ones may be but not great ones.if the dealer has reservations about in house or hourly detailers, offer to clean a car for free. it will be an oppurtunity to show what you can do. also not only can you detail the trade ins, but you can maintain he used vehicles on the lot, so they don`t get too dirty and always look fresh.
a used car salesman hates to open a vehicle and see a dirty may or a drink spilled in the cup holder on a test drive.i also supply my own tools, that way i always have want i want or need and know where it is. a tool box would be a good investment.that way you can lock everything up.as far as wage goes, don`t be afraid to ask for an amount you feel is resonable. most bosses will pay you what you want if you can convince them you are worth it. i lucked out where i work. the place was bought out by another dealer,who has a young owner. i convinced him in house p.d.r. would be a money maker and he paid for my training. i bought the tools, so now i can go anywhere with that. also when my conract came up for renewal a year later 1 was making $12.00/hour, another dealer offered me $15.00. i didn`t want to leave but used it as a tool to get araise. i am at $14.00/hr right now. for doing rustproof/undercoat/paint sealant/fabric guard. if i do one or all four i get a $15.00 bonus. if i do a dent removal, i get a $20.00 bonus. also present the idea of retail detail packages to the sevice manager,it generates income for little investment on their part. there are many different ideas and ways to make money working for a dealer without having to pay insurance,hydro, taxes, rent etc. if you have any other questions feel free to email me and i will do what i can to help

01-22-2005, 11:26 PM
Thanks for the responses. I have mixed feelings about it.....is there any dealer that would even hire me? But does anyone have any comments on contracting or empolyment?


01-26-2005, 10:14 PM
I don`t know if this will help but I sub-contract to two dealerships. The best possible way to deal with them is go right to the used car manager. some dealerships will let you work onsight others won`t. I work off site I have a small shop and use a transporter for pick up and delivery liability runs about 200.00 a month. I charge a flat fee and then charge extra for dye, pull tint etc. sometimes you have to cut a deal but after some time you can ask for an increase. If your serious about giving it a shot contact me and I will help you.