View Full Version : Wet Sanding

09-29-2005, 04:14 PM
I was curious on the opinion of this board on wet sanding. Ive been doing some occasional work at a stealership and they seem to be `wet sand crazy` lately. Today, I was called in to work on a 05 Sunfire with some nasty bugs on it. I have done nothing but wash the car so far, and I already have one of your typical `know-it-alls` on me, telling me to wetsand it with 1500 grit. Im like :nervous: I believe that wet sanding should be left as a final resort for anything other than paint work and other methods should be tried first. There is just too little paint on a vehicle to freely attack it with sandpaper every time a bug or scratch gets on it.

09-29-2005, 04:35 PM
Yeah wet sanding is only a last resort and only if you know for sure you have a lot of paint b/c or s/s to work with. To wet sand to get ride of bugs or light maring is ridiculous you are abraiding away paint for no reason. On the other hand if you are trying to minimize orange peal and have a lot of paint to work with than that would be fine.

09-29-2005, 05:30 PM
Somebody just posted how they cut through their clear with a PC. That`s what happens when people buy a car that was wetsanded without their knowledge. Or else the clear fails, hopefully (as far as the dealer goes) after the warranty runs out.

Wetsand with 1,500? I can`t imagine that person has actually done it, at least not with satisfactory results :rolleyes: Don`t let him talk you into doing that.

09-29-2005, 05:34 PM
Somebody just posted how they cut through their clear with a PC. That`s what happens when people buy a car that was wetsanded without their knowledge. Or else the clear fails, hopefully (as far as the dealer goes) after the warranty runs out.

Wetsand with 1,500? I can`t imagine that person has actually done it, at least not with satisfactory results :rolleyes: Don`t let him talk you into doing that.

I didn`t. Some other guys had to remove some dents from it before I could do anything else, and after they got finished with it, this guy comes along and gets the car from them and takes it upon himself to wetsand a small place on the hood to see what it would do. It was really making me mad how Im here trying to do a good job on the car and do something that would be beneficial to the car, and people are interfereing with it and trying to do this and that to it. In the end, I never got to do anything other than clay the hood because they came and took the car away from me because the owner of a small car lot bought it and didn`t want to wait to have it detailed.

09-29-2005, 09:40 PM
that doesn`t even make sense. if you get and wetsand every spot that has an imperfection then you`re going to have an uneven amount of orange peel on the paint. which is probably almost as weird looking as any other sort of defect. if you`re going to wetsand, seems like the whole car should be done or none of it. i wouldn`t want two glassy smooth spots out of nowhere on the rest of my oem paintjob.