View Full Version : Recognize this building???...

09-28-2005, 01:44 PM
Coming home from the Taste of Lexus Performance Event two weeks ago(post in Car & Driver) I snapped a couple pictures of the beautiful NY skyscrappers. Anyway I got this building-in-progress while waiting in bumper to bumper traffic trying to get into the Lincoln Tunnel. I`m just curious if anyone knows what building it is, because the other night I saw an iPod commercial and they had this exact building in it which I though was kinda cool. I also printed it out on 8.5x11 and i`m really impressed with it. I`m going to bring it over to my friend`s house and hopefully his father will show me how to straighten out the building. I`m a total n00b at PS and the only real things I know how do is auto levels and auto colors :o


09-28-2005, 01:52 PM
The redesigned World Trade Center?

09-29-2005, 04:41 AM
The redesigned World Trade Center?

I am not sure they even started it and if they did it would no way be that far along already.

09-29-2005, 09:32 AM
I don`t know the name but it is on the west side in the 30s` or 40`s I believe. The building behind it, with the pyramid roof, was the subject of a PBS series where they followed it`s construction from first concept to opening day.