View Full Version : Costa Rica! Where to go/what to do?

09-26-2005, 08:48 PM
Evening all,

Looking to plan a Spring Break trip to Costa Rica for about 30 or so people. Over the past few days I have been to bunch of local and national websites regarding trips to Costa Rica. I have talked to a few people as well. As of now, I am a bit up in the air on where to go exactly. I would like to keep the costs under $1000 for airfare/lodging for a 7-8 day trip from March 11-18/19. As of now, I have found:


to be the best deal thus far.

Any and all info you can give regarding Costa Rica would be outstanding. Oh yeah, we are all college students (Juniors/Seniors) and some are single. Thanks a ton in advance.

09-27-2005, 03:19 AM
I`ve spent a lot of time in CR (almost retired there a few years ago). It depends on if you want beach, mountians, etc. I normally stay in SJ and day trip where ever I want to go-it`s only a two-hour bus ride to about anywhere. Rainforests, Beach, Volcanoes. The other option is to stay up around Arenal and it`s just a short trip to the beach. There is just so much to do all over the place, I don`t know that I would stay just on the coast. My ultimate trip would include a few days in SJ, a day or two around Arenal (including a day at Tabacon) and a few days on the beach (a dozen decent ones to choose from). Cool day trips are of course the Aerial Tram, there is a boat trip out of Punteranas (can`t think of the name right now) that is nice-a day on a private island, and the river trips are cool (ever seen a Jesus Lizard?). And if it`s just a bunch of guys, head down to the Blue Marlin Bar in SJ-it`s hooker HQ for Costa Rica. I`m not saying you should partake, but it is an amazing sight.

And learn the phrase `La queta por favor` (sp?). When you`re out, a server will never bring you your check-you`ll sit there all night if you don`t ask for it-Costa Ricans (especially the Ticas) are very timid.

Oh man, now I`m wanting an Imperial...:)

09-27-2005, 06:54 AM
And learn the phrase `La queta por favor`

Actually, it is `la cuenta por favor` (translates to `the bill please`)

I spent a year in Venezuela and Argentina learning that one! :D

09-27-2005, 07:37 AM
Actually, it is `la cuenta por favor` (translates to `the bill please`)

I spent a year in Venezuela and Argentina learning that one! :D

:LOLOL I just know how to say it-never had to write it.