View Full Version : how to remove adhesive residue from rubber?

09-26-2005, 06:20 PM
this is my first post here. this place is awesome! i`ve always owned beaters my whole life, so i never had to care too much about detailing. now i have a beautiful 2002 beetle (i just bought it on 9/7/05), and i want to make it look it`s best and keep it that way!

when i washed my new (to me) car for the first time, i noticed that there is some adhesive residue on the rubber seal around my driver`s side window. i thought about using goo gone on it, but it says it`s not safe for rubber. i haven`t tried anything else, because i don`t want to damage the rubber.

does anyone have any ideas of what i could try?

thank you so much in advance.


09-26-2005, 06:40 PM
curlyroller- Welcome to Autopia!

The problem with using solvents is that the same stuff that`ll dissolve the adhesive isn`t too good for the rubber. I`d just try to be careful and use 3M Adhesive Remover. It`s handy stuff to have around the garage/house anyhow.

With any luck somebody will also chime in with some "home remedy" approach that will be easier to lay your hands on than the 3M stuff. I`ve used Goo Gone/Dissolve-It on things you`re "not supposed to use it on" without problems, but I understand your being reluctant to try that.

09-26-2005, 06:42 PM
Go get some Zippo lighter fluid (Naptha). It works really well on adhesive residue. It is also safe on rubber because Naptha is a main ingredient in a solvent based tire dressing that I use.