View Full Version : aio or revive glaze

09-25-2005, 08:23 AM
If you had to choose between these two products for your business which would you choose? And why.



09-26-2005, 04:46 PM
Are you talking about CG EXTREME AIO vs. CG Polish & Glaze ?

I will answer based on that being a yes, and if I wanted a true what you see is what you get, then I would go with the CG Ext. AIO. Plus this has a sealant, so I could move right to a LSP.

If I wanted something that had silicones, is a bit less fickle to work, and had some fillers, then I would use CG Revive.

The glaze part is not an issue, because if I wanted to apply a glaze, I would use CG Extreme Glaze.

I dont think its on the website yet, but that stuff rocks and is gives up no ground to the likes of VM.