View Full Version : Zaino base coat with OCW LSP?

09-23-2005, 07:39 AM
I did a search and couldn`t find any information on this topic. I have two coats of Z2 Pro on my Silver A3 and was curious after reading all the good reviews on OCW if I could use that ontop of the Zaino, or would it not bond properly? I would like to use it maybe after every 3rd of 4th car wash to just keep a little extra protection on the car and then when the Z` gives out reapply everything.

Right now I wash usually every week, Z6 after each wash, and use Z8 once a month. Would OCW help out at all or would it just be wasted money?

09-23-2005, 07:44 AM
i`ve topped z2 pro with souveran and it muted the finish..

i personally would only top it now with z8

I would try the opposite, Opt compound, Opt polish, then z2 pro , but i could`ve sworn i read that z2 pro won`t even bond to optimum cuz of the oils maybe ? someone will chime in and sort us both out no doubt :D

09-23-2005, 07:52 AM
OCW doesn`t need to bond, it will just sit on top of the Z2Pro. That said, I haven`t tried it, so I don`t know how it will look. I have topped Z2pro with Natty`s and NXT and both looked good.

09-23-2005, 01:09 PM
If anyone has tried OCW ontop of Zaino I would love to hear your experience.

09-23-2005, 01:20 PM
I would stick with one or the other, use all Zaino or not.

09-23-2005, 01:45 PM
I currently have regular Z2x2 and OCW on top of my black G35 and it looks great. It muted the shine a bit and gives it a nice glow (haven`t tried Z8 yet). Not sure how it would look on Z2 Pro though. It`s my understanding the Z7 wash is too harsh for a carnuaba and I`m not sure about how Z6 would work either (I have Z6 but haven`t used it since applying OCW). With that being said- I`ve heard fantastic results with Z2 Pro and Z8 as the topper. If you really want to try it, just experiment with a fender or something and let us know how it turns out.