View Full Version : Thanks ScubaStevo (SSR3)

Setec Astronomy
09-17-2005, 04:15 PM
Some time ago ScubaStevo posted about a detail in which he used SSR3 on a pretty new car, with good results. I bought this product last year to use on my bird/acid rain pitted/scratched roof and trunk of my 15 yo car, but, after feeling it between my fingers (liquid sandpaper) and trying a little by hand, I was too scared of it, even though the paint`s pretty much a goner on this car, and it`s reaching the end of its life.

Today I used the SSR3 on my roof on a LC yellow pad w/PC, and found it to be fine. The car is dark blue metallic, and one pass reduced the appearance of some white scratches to hardly noticeable (not sure if they showed white because they had LSP in them or what), without any down side (remember that my paint is all pitted--oh, and hail dented--so YMMV). Not like it brought my paint back from the dead, but a lot less work than the many passes of #83 I did last year with the same pad, and Meg`s burgundy and yellow, while giving me equal or better results.

I guess the point here is I got over my fear of this product, and I guess those rocks that you feel between your fingers break down pretty fast (when I tried it by hand last year, it left lots of scratches which I took out with finer SSR`s). Warning: Don`t try this without adult supervision--I had very little to lose on this car--I can`t say it won`t leave marring on your car.

Setec Astronomy
09-18-2005, 12:35 PM
Never mind about the part where the scratches didn`t appear white anymore. I went over the part that I SSR3`d with Pb`s PwC (blue) by hand, and today the scratches are white again.

Setec Astronomy
09-19-2005, 11:18 AM
Ok, never mind about the no marring part, in the direct sun today I have some "holograms". Not sure if this is just from the agressive pad/product combo, or from not breaking it down all the way. It`s pretty minor and I`m sure it will come out.

09-19-2005, 12:35 PM
How`s it going, Setec?

How about some pics :)

09-19-2005, 02:20 PM
Ok, never mind about the no marring part, in the direct sun today I have some "holograms". Not sure if this is just from the agressive pad/product combo, or from not breaking it down all the way. It`s pretty minor and I`m sure it will come out.

yeah it`s from the agressive compund...it`ll do that...just foloow up with some SSR 2 with a white polishing pad and it`ll get rid of the holograms and bring out the shine...then glaze it, wax it, and bow down...hahaha :woot: