View Full Version : Color Sand Opinions...?

09-17-2005, 07:01 AM
Hey everybody!

I have a new Toyota that was built 01/05, and I have been driving since I picked up in February. It like most new cars has some orange peel in the paint. It`s not really terrible or anything, but I would like to get rid of it.

I was reading about color sanding to "take the high spots out" and get rid of the orange peel, but want your opinions on it!

I would hate to have to paint a brand new car just for the sake of orange peel. I probably don`t have the Bee-A-Double L`s to color sand myself, and would let a body shop do the work.

I don`t know if it would need to be re-cleared or not (probably not right?)

So, let`s hear it!

Should I?

Would You?

Waste of money?

Deal with it?

Thanks Guys!


09-17-2005, 12:31 PM
You could, but you are taking a risk. The UV inhibitors are in the top layers of the clearcoat. Removing these top layers could cause the clearcoat to prematurely fail. Would not let a body shop do the work either. Find a very qualified detailer who has experience with this type of thing. Your looking at big bucks depending on how much orange peel you have. I personally would leave it alone.

09-18-2005, 10:34 AM
If it was a show car I would consider it but for a normal car I would just live with it

09-18-2005, 08:34 PM
Cool. This is going to be a weekend only car, not FULL SHOW, but definetely not a daily driver. Thanks for your opinions, I don`t really care about big bucks, I just need to know if it`s one of those things that I should do NOW! Or if I could wait, OR if it really matters at all!

If I decide to go this route, would I need to re-clear coat???

Thanks for the input!

Anyone else???

the other pc
09-18-2005, 10:42 PM
…I just need to know if it`s one of those things that I should do NOW!…You could do it any time.

…Or if I could wait…It’s not like you need to be in a big hurry. The bumps aren’t going to grow.

…OR if it really matters at all! …It only matters to the extent it bothers you. It doesn’t hurt anything. It’s normal.

…If I decide to go this route, would I need to re-clear coat???…Optional. You can if you want to but it’s not mandatory.


09-19-2005, 06:58 AM
As long as the bumps don`t grow LMAO.

What is the average cost on a job like this?

I don`t want to keep bugging the guys at the shop, I`ve asked them about quite a bit already!


09-19-2005, 09:40 AM

Orange peel is really just par of the course these days from 99% of OEM paint finishes. All of the major manufactures have it.

Colorsanding an OEM std. finish is very very risky. The paint film that they put on is very minimal (0.4 - 0.7mil) Considering the UV protection is in the upper 1/3rd of the finish, that doesn`t leave a lot of room for errors. Plus, you`ll still have to polish the finish at some point to do swirls etc. so if you ever end up taking a cutting pad or wool one to the finish, you end up eroding any UV blockers that were laid down at the time of manufacture.

That isn`t to say you can not do. Personally, on a new vehicle, I wouldn`t.

If it`s a repaint, then that`s a different story. The level of paint and clear on that type of finish is significant higher (i.e. 1 - 1.5ml+).

However, if you choose to go with colorsanding, make sure to do the following:

1. Find an excellent bodyshop first and ask them for a demonstration. See how the work before they take sandpaper to the paint.

2. Take paint thickness measurements of every panel and record the values in a notebook. Personally, I`d take 3 - 5 measure in a spread pattern over each panel to find the high and low spots so you make you sand accordingly.

3. Take very very very good care of you car afterwards, making sure to keep up on your Last Step Product (monthly for waxes or 2-3 months for sealants) to make you have a lot of protection down.

4. Polish sparingly.

Wet sanding a show or garage queen is okay but for a constant driver or vehicle parked outdoors with an OEM finish, it`s a bit risky if you ask me.

Cost = I`d say it`s probably 1 solid day at a good body shop. i.e. $80 / hr x 8 hrs = ~$600

5. Doing it a home: $50 on paper, polisher = $150, pads and product = $100 : ~$300 + sweat equity.


09-19-2005, 10:40 AM
ToyotaGuy23- NO way would I wetsand it. IMO, between all the polishing we Autopians do and everything else that paint has to deal with, the more clear the better. I have pretty bad OP on even my A8 and S8, and I`d never consider knocking it down. I want all the protection I can get so I don`t have to have (any more :o ) repainting done.