View Full Version : Remove Micro-Scratches?

09-16-2005, 04:26 AM
The paint on my car is in excellent condition and under normal daylight the paint looks flawless no matter how close you look. However, in my garage under the metal halide lights the trunk and hood have many micro-scratches in the clearcoat. Should I leave alone as is or spot buff by hand or pc to remove these? This car is not a daily driver.

09-16-2005, 05:05 AM
It`s up to you whether you want to remove them. We can`t make that decision for you.

If the micromarring is on the hood and trunk, then grab the PC and it should make quick work of them.

09-16-2005, 08:46 AM
Yeah, that one`ll just have to be your call. Some things to consider though:

-Do they *really* bother you? I can`t stand even micro-marring on some of my vehicles, but I don`t mind it on others.

-Do you have enough paint to remove them? I can`t remove *any* more paint on my Jag.

-Will you just put the marring back in anyhow? I wouldn`t worry about fine stuff until you have a non-marring wash regimen worked out (one you can do all the time).

-If the horizontal surfaces are marred, you can bet that the rest of it is too, you just haven`t got the light/viewing angle right to spot it yet.

-Have you considered a different LSP (and/or a glaze), somethig that`ll hide things better?

09-16-2005, 08:59 AM
I just bought a brand new black F150, and got a good deal of micro-marring from applying Klasse AIO on a finishing pad. I was so frustrated, becuase not only was I careful to make sure the pad was clean, but also because the micro-marring took away from the shine on the paint. I tried everything, from a polishing pad to a finishing pad, from fairly aggressive polish, to the mildest, with the same results.

I REMOVED THE MICROMARRING completely ONLY AFTER using a microfiber bonnet over my pad w/ the finest polish I have.

IMO, if the car / truck is black, try the microfiber pad @ 1.5, and get rid of the mico-marring. If it was my car, covering the micro-marring only bothered me when the initial "just waxed" look was washed away, and the potential of the paint wasn`t showing through.

09-16-2005, 10:47 AM
Are you sure you didn`t have part of the pad DRY and contacting the paint, to cause that micromarring?

Or maybe the "micromarring" was just thin streaks of product left on the paint after buffing? I wouldn`t think AIO and a finishing pad would be able to leave any marring.

09-16-2005, 10:53 AM
To the best of my knowledge, the pad wasn`t dry in any area. I was very surprised too. The markings were extremely uniform, and almost looked like microfiber "linting" in almost perfect circular patterns.

I spent hours trying to figure it out. It wasn`t until I decided that it must be the pad, and that I would have to try hand applying something did I stumble upon microfiber burnishing.

09-16-2005, 12:54 PM
I have the same thing on my trucks hood. If i get down on the paint with a flashlight i see it.

I fixed it by shutting the light off :)

But i have a MF bonnet still in its package that i didnt think i would ever use...maybe some SFX3 and the bonnet, something to try anyways.