View Full Version : Bike pics and a couple ??

09-15-2005, 12:12 PM
Hi everyone. I was hoping someone could answer a couple questions for me. I am trying to attach some pics also, hope it works.

I was able to use ScratchX to remove some micromarring, swirls/scratches on the tank of my Harley. I would say they are 99% gone. No one else would probably notice what is left but I can see a few at the right angle while sitting on bike etc., and it bothers me. So anyhow am I being to critical here and can I actually get rid of all these marks? I was planning on ordering SSR2.5 and SSR1.I have a PC but have to get pads and a backing plate for it. That will be mostly for use on my truck. Is it possible to use the PC on bikes without making a mess (small working area) and if not can I use those products by hand to get a more perfect finish than ScratchX? Here are before and afters and a pic of the whole bike... Thanks for reading...









This pic is old but best one I have of the whole bike.


09-15-2005, 02:10 PM
It might work well if you use 4 inch pads and tape off. By hand on a bike that is all put together might be better though. Welcome by the way :)

09-15-2005, 02:22 PM
This was the last process for my 05 RK Classic..Seirra red.


Foam Clay

Menzerna IP/FP 50/50 mix

Menzerna FP

50/50 Alcohol/Water ( to check finish/remove any fillers)

Paint Cleanser

Menzerna Glaze


My best compliment came when a fellow biker asked what color my bike was....after I stated Seirra Red, he replied..My bike is Seirra Red and it looks nothing like that.

I believe the alcohol/water mix is important to check that you have smoothed the paint down to your liking.....as you know the gas tank probably takes more abused than any other part.

IMO for what ists worth

09-15-2005, 02:34 PM
I should mention that I polish with 3" pads and an air RA buffer..Glaze and sealants are by hand (foam pads)

On tight areas I us Pimp Stixx.

I am going to experiment with a Polishin Pal and 4" pads

09-15-2005, 03:08 PM
Ric, Those Pimp Stixx look pretty cool. Never seen them before. I could only find one site that had them though...got any ideas on other places I might find them?

I have actually been detailing bikes for a few friends but I never really had to deal with scratches, so I wanted to learn more on my bike first. Of course I have learned a lot here and I feel really dumb admitting that the only reason my bike was stratched in the first place was that I dripped a little gas on the finish and a friend of mine wiped it off with those nasty blue paper towels at the pumps. ARgh.

Thanks for the replies!

09-15-2005, 08:32 PM
There`s always polishes with fillers too, if you prefer to just hide them by hand. I like #7 and P21S GEPC for filling scratches.

09-15-2005, 09:07 PM
4" pads with Optimum would also work. The smaller pads will ratchet up the aggressiveness slightly and you can probably get away without stepping up to a compound. Excel Detail carries the 4" pads and Optimum, plus Poorboy`s SSR line if you`d prefer to go that route. I think Poorboy`s EX-P would look especially nice on that metallic red paint.

Great looking bike, btw, love the pipes!

09-16-2005, 09:35 AM
The only place I found Pimp Stixx is from their website www.pimpstixxx.com


Another valuable item I have found is a gun cleaning kit....the different size brass cleaning tips come in handy on the disc brake rotor slots.

After you get the paint looking like you want..try EF Waterless Wash and Sealant Spray from properauto care.com...Amazing stuff

The best thing I have found to detail your chrome is The BOM...on the black finish of engine Pig Spit.

I may try using 4 in pads in my 3 in air bufffer..3 inch pads are hard to find....in order to have all types I have bought from 5 different suppliers.

I would be happy to answer any question you may have

09-16-2005, 09:38 AM
I forgot to mention Talon from Zymol..Just recieved a bottle and will try in a few weeks...They claim it to be gas resistant.

09-16-2005, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone. You are all very helpful.

Just got back from a detail ( first one for someone I didn`t know). `05 Dyna Wide Glide purchased in June. 2500 miles on it. I took one look at the paint and :shocked I asked him what he uses on the bike, and he shows me some thick cloths that reminded me of the felt type stuff you use under model trains, or an a/c filter. Supposed to be for drying. Said he got them at a bike show. Bike was covered with scratches. I pointed them out before starting, but he only seemed to notice two real apparent ones, so I don`t think he can see close up very well. You all would be having nightmares, trust me. I got most of them out and did what I could... got the rest of bike spotless and he said it looked like the day he brought it home, seemed very pleased. But now I am :faint: cause it is almost 90 here with 50% humidity...

Scottwax, thank you for the compliments on my bike. I know you do a lot of work by hand. How hard if possible is it to get ssr2.5/1 to break down? I sure wished I had some today. Did I mention the bike was black...

Ric, I use Bom on chrome also and agree that it is a great product. I use S100 engine brightener on the black finish, may try pig spit, a can of S100 does not seem to go very far.

Sorry for the long post everyone. Thanks again for your help!

09-16-2005, 01:09 PM
What kind of tire cleaner is good for bikes? Was thinking of the poorboys tire cleaner/dressing, description says is not greasy, but leaves a dressed look after cleaning. I don`t use any dressing on bike tires because to me it isn`t safe...so if this leave any residue I dont` want to risk it.