View Full Version : My Weekend Details - Clean Green Clean Green

09-12-2005, 01:00 PM
Over the weekend I was able to detail a couple of green cars.

1st Car - My uncle`s Toyota Camry. I think he bought this car new either a year or two ago. The paint was quite swirled with a couple of scratches and scuff marks, not to mention the dent in the front bumper when he hit a trailer hitch ball. But he would wash and wax it every now and then, so the paint wasn`t too bad.

Exterior Process:

Wash - Gold Class Car Wash Shampoo with Eurow Sheepskin Wash Mitt.

Clay - Clay Magic Detailing Clay Bar (Fine Grade) on the horizontal surfaces and wherever there was surface contanminents.

Polish - Poorboy`s SSR 2.5 + LC Cutting (Yellow) Pad (this was due to time constraints)

Pre-LSP - Klasse AIO + LC Polishing (white) Pad

Wax - Collinite #845 Insulator Wax applied with a PakShak MF Applicator pad. I would do half the car, trying to apply the wax really thin. I then would come back with a MF towel to remove the wax.

Wheels and tires were cleaned with Eagle 1`s A2Z and a wheel brush.

Wheel wells were cleaned with PB`s APC (6:1 ratio) and brush.

Tires were dressed with Wheel Wax`s Extreme Black Tire Dressing.

Wheel wells were dressed with NXT Tech Protectant.

The interior got vacuumed, and cleaned with the Woolite mix. The leather surfaces were cleaned and conditioned with Lexol`s Leather cleaner and conditioner.

My uncle was happy with the way it came out. He even stated it looked `better than new.` :clap: I also was happy with the way it came out. I really loved how sharp the reflections were.

Anyways, onto the pictures.

Under the sun:



Under shade:



09-12-2005, 01:01 PM
The second car I did was my neighbor`s new Jaguar X-Type. This is the neighbor who had the Black Lexus I`ve done a few times in the past, and he decided to trade in his Lexus for the Jag. :woot:

I`ve always wanted to clean a Jag, I really like their styling. :drool: My neighbor got this car about a week or two ago so it seemed to be in good shape, that is until I washed it. I discovered two scratches and that parts of the car was lightly swirled. Dang, I was hoping it would`ve been an easy job. :mad:

Exterior Process:

Started off with the wheels and wheel wells.

Wheel wells - sprayed PB`s APC (6:1 ratio) and scrubbed with a brush

Wheels - majorly coated with brake dust, the insides were black! I used E1`s A2Z Wheel Cleaner, a wheel brush, and whole lot of elbow grease. Man, it took a long time to get all 4 cleaned. :faint: I then washed them with NXT Car Shampoo.

Tires - dressed with Wheel Wax`s Extreme Black Tire Dressing.


Polished - VM with a LC Polishing pad. I also used VM on the chrome, headlights, brake lights, and windows. Even the chrome Jaguar hood ornament got VM`d. :D

Wax - PB`s Natty`s Blue Paste wax. I applied to the whole car then removed the wax with a MF towel.

Interior Process:

The interior got vacuumed and wiped down with a slightly damp towel. According to Jaguar`s leather care instructions, the leather should be free of all dirt and grime, only be wiped down with a slightly damp towel, or use Jaguar`s Leather Cleaner to clean any stains. :grinno: Maybe the next time I`ll clean and condition the leather.

When I was done, I drove the car out of the garage to check for any wax I missed. I was totally blown away by the flakes in the paint! Wow, it looked like it had a mixture of green, gold, and silver flakes. :woohoo:

Anyways, onto the pictures. Enjoy!





09-12-2005, 01:02 PM


Cloudy trunk


09-12-2005, 01:30 PM
WOW! that jag has major depth...Is it brand new? looks like it...awsome job!

09-12-2005, 08:15 PM
The Camry look about as good as a Camry can but that Jag is incredible! Looks like a layer of baby oil is all over the car! :drool:

09-12-2005, 09:41 PM
Cloudy trunk


Jaguar of Honolulu... is that to distinguish it from the other Jag dealership on the islands? :confused: :D

nice detail

1 Clean WS6
09-13-2005, 02:40 AM
Holy flake on that Jag Batman!!!! :cooleek:

Beautiful work Reid!

09-13-2005, 05:52 AM
Great work, Reid!

It looks like you used Hawaiin Tropic SPF2 on that Jag.....

09-13-2005, 05:58 AM
Man that green Jag is a killa.

09-13-2005, 02:28 PM
Thanks all. :)

4830Deuce - yeah, that Jag is new.

Griz - heh heh, there`s only one Jaguar dealership on the island. i think it`s because it sounds good on the radio and TV. :chuckle:

Anthony O.
09-13-2005, 04:44 PM
Green with envy I am :LOLOL

Great work,


09-13-2005, 08:23 PM
Aloha hirosh...

All I see is sparkling specks of dust all over the Jag. :)

Great work on both the Camry and Jag.

With Aloha,

Ranney :D