View Full Version : Wizard Products / Dri Wash ?

09-12-2005, 07:19 AM
I was up at a car show in Michigan over the weekend and ran into a vendor selling Wizard products. Being that I am curious and like the try everything, I picked some up. Does anyone know anything about these or have any info good/bad on them?

Same question but for a product called DRI WASH. These folks had a good presentation and showed that they were being used on some top end concourse cars. Any info on this one? It was mega expensive.


09-12-2005, 07:36 AM
I was up at a car show in Michigan over the weekend and ran into a vendor selling Wizard products. Being that I am curious and like the try everything, I picked some up. Does anyone know anything about these or have any info good/bad on them?

Same question but for a product called DRI WASH. These folks had a good presentation and showed that they were being used on some top end concourse cars. Any info on this one? It was mega expensive.


I use to use Wizards all of the time and know a few body shops that do as well. However, their customer service is HORRIBLE so I stopped using them. Their products are not so great that you can not find better elsewhere for less money.

Big Leegr
09-12-2005, 08:00 AM
"Rumors" are that it (Wizard) is VERY similar to Race Glaze. Have not tried Wizards, as it always seems to be too expensive for me to try "just because." It`s available in some auto parts stores too.

Dri Wash is an odorless kerosene based product. It does remove oxidation, it does make water bead. It is (IMO) overpriced for what you get. I had an experience with a DW&G rep, and saw first hand how marked up a car can get, using this product. I don`t doubt that a big reason for the marring was due to the means of application/removal used by the rep (dropped his "rag" a couple times, kept wiping... stuff like that.), but if an "official representative" of the company can cause this much damage, I would imagine a typical, off-the-street-Joe could equal or even exceed it, possibly even without noticing the damage being inflicted upon the paint. It isn`t quite as easy and effortless as one may be led to believe.

I would recommend either S+W or QEW if you need a "waterless/no rinse wash."

09-12-2005, 08:24 AM
I used to use their car wash, polish and sealer, but IMO there are better products and values out there.

Adam Boca
09-12-2005, 08:46 AM
I have read the MSDS on Dri-Wash and it uses a HUGE amount of Kerosene...Not my cup-o-tea..


09-13-2005, 04:38 AM
I did some more research and tried some of this stuff out. The DRI-WASH is going back. I was not impressed at all with the results and fear that continued use could damage the paint.

The Wizards spray gloss stuff is the only Wizard product I have tried thus far. It is good stuff. It seems to be about as good if not a *hair* better than some of the others that I have tried. However, it costs a bit more which may play into the formula of whether or not I refill on the stuff later.

Thanks for the insight on this!