View Full Version : Poorboy`s EX in Autopia Review Section

09-12-2005, 07:18 AM
Hi Folks, I posed this question about a week ago (in the hot tub forum) and only got one response (he didn`t know). I thought I`d try again here with the hope that the person(s) who knows the answer missed the question on the first go around. :)

In the Review Section, PB`s EX gets a "thumbs down" icon (in the main product description) which indicates that this product has been "currently ranked as one of the worst"! Does anyone know how this assessment was made (and does anyone agree with it)? As far as I can see, the reviews aren`t bad and I know a lot of people like EX, so what is going on?


09-12-2005, 07:44 AM
I love ex w/carnauba. I think a lot of those Autopia reviews are messed up.

09-12-2005, 08:06 AM
Just to emphasize something and expand on this a little, the thumbs down icon has been added to the initial description, so it`s not something that any reviewer has access to, AFAIK. :think:

09-12-2005, 11:13 AM
I think that old EX with carnauba is good but IMO Mothers Top Coat has better gloss and a warmer look.