View Full Version : Drat and scratches

01-18-2005, 06:20 AM
Way cold this past weekend. So, since I was out of propane for the furnace in the garage, I went to the drive through car wash here in town; been going there for years and have no problems at all ever.

So, now I have these little spider web scratches along the side of Stinker2. I know they`re just in the clearcoat because you can only see them if you`re directly in front of them. More than a 10 or 20 degree angle and they`re gone. I can`t even get my fingernail to catch in them. I know what you`re thinking: get the appropriate Megs and the pc and make `em go away. Well. there`s a problem. They`re on a body line. Suggestions please?

Shaun Carollo
01-18-2005, 09:22 AM
By body line, you mean where verticle surfaces meet the horizontal ones right? (the curves of the car) I don`t think you should have a problem going over that with some polish, especially with a PC, but I would keep the speed down to a minimum, or you could just polish by hand if the scratches are isolated (probaly not.) Where in Michigan are you from?

01-18-2005, 09:36 AM
I would say that you should try it by hand. i have had great results with Klasse AIO and the Meguiars line by hand.

01-25-2005, 06:45 AM
By body line, you mean where verticle surfaces meet the horizontal ones right? (the curves of the car) I don`t think you should have a problem going over that with some polish, especially with a PC, but I would keep the speed down to a minimum, or you could just polish by hand if the scratches are isolated (probaly not.) Where in Michigan are you from?

Southeast, Saline

Yes, where the body curves are. I was able to get the car clean this past weekend and upon further examination, I find that but for a few, they`re more like vertical swirls (straight up and down, not circular). Will try for pics today. The worst ones look like white cat hairs, they`re so fine.

01-29-2005, 11:15 AM
Here`s a photo of the scratches. The worst ones are by the rear window. You can hardly see them; I had to do some fancy footwork to get the camera to pick them up.