View Full Version : Interesting experiences with Collinite 845 and QS

09-09-2005, 03:26 AM
Greetings everyone, I’ve been a lurker for a while, but am now brave enough to post…

I’ve been using Collinite’s 845 insulator wax for a while now and have made a few observations. Firstly, the only autopian-grade products I can compare my results to are Megs gold class wax, Autoglym SRP / EGP and Turtle wax Platinum gloss. My car is an Audi in ming blue (a very dark, pearlescent blue – looks black at night), unfortunately, I do not have any pics yet, but will hopefully have some soon.

The car was initially polished with the SRP and then waxed with the IW – very easy to use.. The car looks great; dark, glossy and “fairly wet” and the finish is certainly very slick. In the rain, water beads off like a mofo, and afterwards the drops are very small, like tiny ball bearings. The crazy beading lasts for at least 2 months, and I would guess it would last a maximum of 5 months.

I was initially using Meguiars quik detailer and found it to be a revelation. Easy to use, great shine and smells delicious. I don’t know what it smells of, but whatever it is, I want to drink it. After that finished I switched to Clearcote’s Quikshine. Unlike the megs, I needed to spray and wipe once, then buff to a shine with a dry mf. The results looks good too, somehow less shiny/reflective than Megs but perhaps deeper? Anyway, I noticed that the beading became a lot larger afterwards – but still like a regular good wax. After washing the car (and presumably removing the QS) the intense beading did not return and so it seems that QS somehow affects 845’s beading ability (and therefore possibly durability).

There was an interesting thread about using 845 as a WAUD, so I thought I’d develop it into a “WAUQD”. So I basically put some IW on to a mf and used it with the QS to QD the car. After the haze developed, I buffed the car to a shine and it looks awesome. Takes longer than using megs’ quik detailer but same as just the QS and with a much better finish!

Has anybody else experienced an unusual interaction between 845 and QS? I also have some 476 which I want to use for the winter, I’m wondering if anyone has any experiences of topping this with s100/p21s? yep, I’m thinking of using P21s as a WAUQD too, heheh.

imported_Larry A
09-09-2005, 07:28 AM
I find that the last product you use determends the kind of beads you will get be it wax or qd. If you apply qd over 845 you will get the beads the qd provides. also a qd finish is tougher then one might think. In a lot of cases it takes more then 1 wash to remove it.

09-09-2005, 11:17 AM
I find that the last product you use determends the kind of beads you will get be it wax or qd. If you apply qd over 845 you will get the beads the qd provides. also a qd finish is tougher then one might think. In a lot of cases it takes more then 1 wash to remove it.

Agreed. Whatever is the initial layer is what will provide the level of beading you get.

09-09-2005, 01:40 PM
I`ve noticed the same thing-EO W&S seems to leave a fairly strong layer of protection behind

09-09-2005, 03:19 PM
I have also noticed less than desired beading with 845IW after using Meg`s QD after a washing. I don`t use now QD because of it, I only use QD as a prep prior to waxing.

09-10-2005, 12:57 PM
That`s interesting guys, I guess it makes sense though. Perhaps after getting used to the beading of the collinite, any QD will appear to reduce the beading effect. So have any of you guys tried topping the 845 with something like P21-S?

09-12-2005, 08:44 PM
Hey guys, yesterday I applied #885 Paste Fleetwax onto my hood and 3 hours later it started raining. The water beading is so tight and small, it is really entertaining to watch the water beads flying off the hood as the car moves. This morning I noticed some dust on the hood, so I did a wipe down with Meguiar`s Last Touch and that goes my tight water beading : ( . So anybody here can recommand any QD to use with Collinite products that can retain the beading property.

09-13-2005, 05:39 AM
Gen2, from what the other guys are saying, it seems that a QD creates a layer of wax which has its own beading properties. The beading of a QD is probably similar to most waxes, but compared to Collinite is much less which gives the impression that the effectiveness of the collinite is reduced. I`ve been spoilt by 845`s crazy beading (and entertained, as you say), I`ve now become obsessive about it and now compare it to every other car in the work car park!

09-13-2005, 05:41 AM
Oh, and I am now considering using Poorboy`s S+W which has no wax, and I`ll probably combine this in my WAUQD technique.