View Full Version : anyone use "meg`s body solvent"?

09-08-2005, 11:05 AM
I recently purchased a gallon to try for bug/tar removal. It has a greasy feel to it, almost like paint thinner if that makes sense. Anyway I followed instructions and sprayed on and wiped off on some heavy tar/bugs. Didn`t do squat. I followed up with a claybar after rinsing, and it ate my clay! (woops, didn`t rinse enough!) the clay started falling appart in my hand; i had a wasted piece of clay, and still a lot of tar on my fenders. I busted out the tarminator and called it a day. Anyone know the proper way to use this product, and it`s actual intentions?

09-08-2005, 11:17 AM
Spray, let dwell and then wipe away. It may require a second application and it is okay to let it dwell for a couple minutes in my experience.