View Full Version : Car got hit... how to go about fixing the issue

09-07-2005, 03:03 PM
I tried to search.... i don`t know exactly what to search for about this situation. I did find a few threads about taking it to a shop and how the shop would go about fixing this issue...

below are the three pics. must say this before hand...the damaged pieces are made of carbon fiber (the fender and the rear bumper).

1) Most of it seems like paint rubbed off on top of my paint. there is no indentation/crack/chip on the surface...still feels very smooth but not as smooth as the rest of the car... will this come off with a buffer and some rubbing compound or polishing compound (not sure how well this will work on carbon fiber). It may be down to the primer but it doesn`t seem like it because some of it did come down with a buffer. I used a PC buffer with a regular polish pad and some cleaner wax. I am thinking of washing, claying, and using a more abbrassive pad and some rubbing compound.

2) Then there is a chip...part of the rear bumper has been chipped off. What is a solution to repairing this... bondo??? i have never done bondo on carbon fiber.

i know i can take this to a shop...get it fixed but if it is a simple DIY and some elbow grease... i would rather do it myself.




09-07-2005, 04:54 PM
If it is paint transfer then I`d be tempted to try claying the affected area. If you are down to primer then a bodyshop is really the only way to go.

09-07-2005, 06:20 PM
If it is paint transfer then I`d be tempted to try claying the affected area. If you are down to primer then a bodyshop is really the only way to go.

Thanks for the advice!!! Greatly appreciated!!!