View Full Version : Acura TL - 1Z, PB

09-04-2005, 10:55 AM
I`m finally, after almost a year, starting to really use my PC. In the end, I went with:

1Z Extra Paint Cleaner

Poorboy`s SSR1


I ran out of time, or I Would have done more than that. I had acutally gone with SSR1 and Klasse AIO, but rushed it, hologrammed the crap out of my car, and I had to go back and fix it. A couple lessons learned:

Move slow and don`t rush.

Work the polish, apply the wax.

Don`t use Natty`s in the sun. :hairpull It flashed as soon as it hit the surface, but I was in a rush to get to a meet.

A good shot of the flake/color:


And then, the rest:






They really show off the reflection well I thought, and also how the driver`s door isn`t quite lined up. I snapped them after a quick wash, right before work, so sorry about the crappy lighting. I was just suprised when I saw it because I Thought it looked better then normal. :dance

11-25-2005, 07:41 PM
Not too bad overall, but I would suggest a toothbrush or soft detailing brush to get the wax residue out of the molding and tight spots, also some claying might be in order for the bottom of the doors/lower ground effects. Ouch bad hail on the roof, or someone got mad and punched the roof? Did I mention how much I HATE acura paint, haha.. Its too hard to keep looking good.

Mad iX
11-25-2005, 08:07 PM
Nice effort for a first time.

It`s not unusual to make mistakes but with the PC you won`t break anything you can`t fix unless you drop it on the hood or something. :p