View Full Version : ATL Gas Panic

1 Clean WS6
08-31-2005, 05:47 PM
Oh my gawd...I hope none of my fellow Autopians were among those mindless sheep sitting in gas lines today and paying $4.50 for a gallon of 87 octane!!!! :LOLOL

FYI for my non-Gawgia folk...

Apparently there was a huge panic started today in the ATL by some internet hotdog saying that because of Katrina gas stations here in the metro ATL were going to run dry. In truth two lines that supply Atlanta with a majority of its jet fuel for Hartsfield-Jackson airport did lose power due to the hurricane and were not operating. However, since almost all of the metro area auto fuel is brought in by truck from our own coast/ports this would not affect your daily driver. Enter the internet and urban legend....

By 5:00 this afternoon your average gallon of regular gas in the northern suburbs was over $3+ per gallon and some stations in the city of Atlanta were charging $5 a gallon. I shat you not when I say every gas station you passed today had lines pouring out into the roadways.

This all happened despite every radio station saying it was all false and rumors. Even Governor Sonny Perdue told us it was all a lie...yet the sheep lined up at the pump.

I caught a small glimpse today of what 90% of people in this area would do if the poop really did hit the fan....panic. :nervous:


tom p.
08-31-2005, 05:57 PM
gas lines are popping up everywhere. People are filling today to avoid tomorrow`s price increase thereby creating their own shortage!

08-31-2005, 05:57 PM
its like $3.30 here with no panicing

1 Clean WS6
08-31-2005, 06:00 PM
It was about $2.70 a gallon here this morning. By 5:00 this afternoon the same station was charging $3.50.

08-31-2005, 06:01 PM
I filled up last night. $2.77 for premium. I spent my $51 and hit the road.


it`s about 10 after 9 pm and I just got home. Every gas station I passed STILL HAD those long lines. Atlantans are crazy. I`m glad I filled up last night!

08-31-2005, 07:16 PM
That`s crazy Mike! I`d probably stop driving to work if gas ever hit those price levels up here (not that they are far from it as of now). This is not an optimal energy situation we`re in to say the least.

I haven`t even thought about putting gas in the fbody yet (I`m glad I don`t use it to commute), but as sure as rain, gas-up time for my v8 will come! Heck, maybe this weekend!!

We need either some relief or a progressive move toward an alternative fuel IMO.

08-31-2005, 07:18 PM
I started freaking out when I heard about the two major pipelines that supply the east we`re closed. I can`t believe how much gas has jumped in the past couple of days. Just now I decided to fill my car up, because I guess you can say i`m a little "worried" about increasing prices, and because I normally don`t like to drive my car below half a tank a gas. Anyway I just went to an Exxon thats open 24/7 and it was still pretty loaded at 10pm. The guy said no more regular or plus, so I said have a nice night. I guess I`ll refill tommorow, but i`m still unsure about the whole gas situation. I was thinking it would lower a little after the holiday weekend and the end of summer, but after Katrina I really don`t think we`ll see any drop in gas prices for a while.

I know some of you other Autopians are getting hit bad with gas prices, all I can say is make sure your car is properly tuned up (clean oil, filters, etc.) and take it easy on the gas ;)

I`m sure a freshly detailed will contribute to increase in MPG too. Its only time before we hear the pitch, how this wax/sealant increases MPG :lol


08-31-2005, 08:07 PM
I hope they nail those gas stations jacking the price up like that for gouging.

09-01-2005, 08:19 AM
I saw the lines yesterday and kept going. I had less than half a tank and figured it would last a couple days until the panic was over and prices were back to "normal". Well, my wife and daughter took my car shopping last night and I was down to a quarter tank, so I filled up with regular at $3.19/gal. There were no lines either. Everyone created the shortage by panicing.

09-01-2005, 08:44 AM
Monday night it was $2.59 regular and $2.79 premium. I filled the Subaru for $2.59. Tuesday night it was $2.99 and $3.39! I had the Miata that night, and finally found premium at $2.79 and filled up. On both cars I was under 1/4 tank, so neither purchase was a panic buy.

I`m driving slower, using the "egg betweeen the foot and the pedal" tactic for accelleration. I`d like to stretch my next purchase beyond the panic til the prices drop, but at 78 miles round trip to work that might not happen.


09-01-2005, 09:20 AM
On CNN last night they showed a Sunoco station charging $6.07 for Super in ATL !!!!

09-01-2005, 01:29 PM
lol 6 bucks a gallon....

The gas in some cars is now worth more then the car itself hahaha.

1 Clean WS6
09-01-2005, 06:52 PM
On CNN last night they showed a Sunoco station charging $6.07 for Super in ATL !!!!

You know what is funny Sean...that morning the very same station was probably charging at least $3 a gallon less.

I hope they nail those gas stations jacking the price up like that for gouging.

Scott the Georgia state government could not do anything about the prices at first because there was no emergency. It was all a complete panic based on twisted facts and rumors. People were lining up at the pump and paying ridiculous prices based on pure speculation/lies/rumors...not because of a real shortage. Since it was not an actual emergency the gas station owners were free to charge whatever the heck the wanted...and the uniformed sheep payed it. :hairpull

By early evening the magnitude of the panic became evident (sporadic supply shortages were happening because of the increased demand) and Gov. Perdue stepped in announced a state of emergency and put forth an executive order to prosecute price gouging.

Today there were no lines at the pumps and most stations were pricing gas back to within a dime or so before all the mass hysteria happened.