View Full Version : Victoria Wax has anyone tried this?

08-31-2005, 05:18 AM


08-31-2005, 06:03 AM
Never tried it myself, but heard very good things about the wax and the customer service.

Big Leegr
08-31-2005, 07:10 AM
Really nice customer service. The shampoo is pretty slick, smells nice. QD works as advertised-cleans water/drying spots after a wash easily, without streaking. Made the paint slicker. Cleans glass well. Haven`t gotten around to using the wax yet, but it`s been only 1 year. ;)

Prices are in Canadian $`s, so that`s like a 20%+ discount for Americans. Also, I recall there were specials run every so often that included free shipping.

(Also, there`s that "apply with bare hands" thing, but I`ve read that using a foam pad can also work.)

08-31-2005, 07:45 AM
I got all of the 3 waxes, and they are absolutely high-end products! They build a wonderfully thick-feeling, surprisingly bright, infinitely honest layer and look fantastic.

There are 3 steps in carnauba content Cruising the least, Concours the most. They smell wonderful, and application is a joy. The Super Soap has insane lubrication and works very well, too. The QD is also top notch.

Highly recommend them.

08-31-2005, 06:12 PM
I use the concours wax. Can`t say enough about it, very high end wax but not $$. The cleanse is a great product as well.

09-02-2005, 07:52 AM
What kind of shine does it give off... I have a red car... Thanks

09-02-2005, 02:00 PM
They are all bright and shiny and best to be described as honest. They have good depth and definition, the reflections are sharp. They show the exact color and finish but enhance the original look; that`s why I call them honest.

The Cruising is the brightest, most sealant-like - because of its higher polymer content. As we climb up the carnauba grades, the shine starts to glow. And they are retain their glow even at night. Top products, with beautiful fragrances. Cruising is almond, Collectors is melony/mango/maracuja and the Concours is red fruits/strawberry.