View Full Version : Had a pretty good b-day...

08-30-2005, 03:36 PM
Turned 21 yesterday (8/29) and really didn`t have anything planned out for it. I`m really not into drinking and having huge hangovers, so I planned on having a pretty quite day. Anyway the night before my b-day my cousin`s were having a party for their relative, and new husband, they came from Italy to visit the states for their honeymoon. Anyway my cousins really wanted to "take me" out and do something for my b-day so we planned a late night trip to Atlantic City, going into my b-day. So we finally leave around 12am and before we left my one cousin made a reservation at the Taj. So we get there around 2ish and before start gambling we wanted to check in and drop our stuff off. So my cousin who made the reservation is taking to a clerk, it was taking a little longer then we though and we ask him what was going on. We were sitting down on the otherside of the room. He tells us apparently a reservation doesn`t reserve us a room. I guess they overbooked the hotel or something. So the lady goes I can give you a hospitality suite, which had a sofabed, couch and they can bring up a cot. My cousin was like I guess so, seeing how we drove down for 2 hours. She also tells us it`ll only be $80 compared to $100 for our 2 bedroom suite that we "reserved". Finally she asks my cousin what his favorite animal is. Pretty mad at this point, my cousin was like I don`t know, then the lady goes i`ll give you the zebra. My cousin had no clue what she was talking about, so after him telling us everything that just happened, we though we were going to be stuffed in a closet. Anyway we get to our floor, and room, and our room is double-doored, which seemed weird. We walked in the room and it was insanely big. It was so nice, and cool looking we couldn`t believe it. We really scored a an awesome room, and the whole time we though we we`re getting stuck in a closet. The couches were huge, it had an outdoor deck, bar and the room was big enough to play football in. The kicker: turns out on the inside of the door it says the room is normally priced at $500-$3,000 which was got for $80. :bigups

I was really kicking myself for not bring my camera, which i was contemplating bringing.

Anyway we had a good time, even though I lost $50 that night playing poker :angry , I was still in good spirits from our room, I guess they pumped too much oxygen in me. :nervous: Turned out to be a really fun trip, and i`m glad we went. Just though i`d share my b-day story with everyone. :D

btw heres a description of our room from the website: Themed Hospitality Suites ( 6 )

Animal themed hospitality suites-Zebra, Tiger, Lion, Giraffe, Camel, and Elephant. All feature an oversized parlor especially designed for hospitality entertainment, including an outdoor area, a bar and full size bath. The majority are up to 2,100 square feet, accommodating up to 50 people for a reception. Connecting bedrooms are available for all hospitality suites.

Unfortunatley there aren`t any pictures that I can find of the room, it really was something though. Accomodates 50 people, can you imagine 5 guys in there :woot:

08-30-2005, 04:41 PM
John, congratulations on reaching the 21st Milestone.:bestwish::birthday:

Wow, that sounds like some room. Very fitting that you should be rewarded with that bonus on your birthday.


08-30-2005, 04:44 PM
Nice Score!!!!!!! Happy birthday!

I like your sig line.