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08-29-2005, 05:42 PM


Here is what happend to this poor guy after he went to a BMW dealer to get his 740I detailed. It was dusk when he picked it up, imagion what happened when he saw his car in the sun the next day. HE FREEKED!!!!!!!!! he refused to go back (what a suprise) so I got the car through word of mouth. This car took 5 hours just on the outside. Luckily I have an interior guy or I would still be at it. Here is the results of a 5 step. I will post process tomorrow, tooo tired tonight. Gary



08-29-2005, 05:46 PM
I hope he can get his money back from the dealership, that is the absolute worst detail I`ve ever seen. Looks like you tackled that botched job quite well, great work.

08-29-2005, 06:08 PM
Good work Gary, but I dont think you needed to do 5 steps. What products and application methods did you use? It is too bad dealerships do hack jobs like that. Good for you though:)

08-29-2005, 06:14 PM
thats why they call them stealerships...idiots :furious: god that makes me so mad! great job tho...

08-29-2005, 07:28 PM
hahaha how can they call that detailing it by making it 50x worse? what the heck did they do to that thing, i mean even if they just put a wax on it or something instead i couldnt imagine it being that bad

08-29-2005, 07:35 PM
Heh heh. All the cars that our dealership buffs come to use like that. It makes me cringe, but people still buy them cuz they look shiny.

Give someone a buffer and this is what happens. :)

08-29-2005, 07:36 PM
hahaha how can they call that detailing it by making it 50x worse? what the heck did they do to that thing, i mean even if they just put a wax on it or something instead i couldnt imagine it being that bad

A wool pad, highly abrasive product, moving too fast, pushing down too hard...some combination of those. He probably paid quite a bit for that "detail" too. Looks like it cleaned up real nice though

C. Charles Hahn
08-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Holy crap!! I don`t think I`ve EVER seen that much buffer hologramming on one vehicle. I mean, what in the heck is the PATTERN they were even following to go over that trunk?!?!


And to think that I was scared to death the first time I used a rotary; I had ZERO marring, and that was with inspecting the black Olds Aurora I had polished under direct sunlight!!

That is an awesome transformation back to life :clap:

08-29-2005, 08:06 PM
I saw a brand new Lexus on the road yesterday that looked that bad. It looked like some one purposely left buffer trails all over it. It was so bad that my wife noticed it while we were on the freeway. Your car had a happy ending the one I saw most likely did not :(

08-29-2005, 09:41 PM
Hackers like that help keep us in business. Just unreal. I hope the guy at least spoke to someone at the dealership about it and the moron who did that was fired on the spot, along with his supervisor.

The after shot of the hood looks terrific, Gary!

08-29-2005, 10:28 PM
Ouch, looks like some of the jobs on a car lot my son got his Cadillac at. Talk about swirl city. Fortunately the car he bought hadn`t been detailed by them yet. :grinno:

08-30-2005, 01:49 AM
That`s some pretty bad buffer marks! I don`t even know how to make buffer marks like that and I`m gonna keep it that way!

I wonder if the idiot at the stealership who done that detail, stood back at the end of it and actually thought he`d done a good job?

08-30-2005, 04:23 AM
Im very curious about the setup for this detail, because im doing an Slk in the same condition, and getting out holograms is veerrrryyyyyy difficult...

The funny thing about this new paint in a Mercedes dealership, is telling the owner that they know they have older ppl that burn paint and do holograming :wall

When im finished, ill post in the click and brag

Akele abraƃ§o

08-30-2005, 04:42 AM
For those that asked about the steps. After wash/clay/wash I used SSR3 with the rotary and red pad. Next went with DeWalt443DA, yellow pad and SSR2.5. again with the same machine used SSR1 green pad. Then the DAPC, polishing pad and optimum. finally sealed with my sealant. I guess I could of omitted a step, but I tried skipping during the process and it just didn`t meet my expectations so I decided to do whatever it takes to make it right. Gary

08-30-2005, 05:11 AM
tell me , the red pad is for cutting right?

yellow again with the DA for cutting, then green for polishing ..

So tell me if this setup have the same results.

Rotary cutting pad with pg

DA yellow pad ( cutting pad ) with IP

DA green pad with IP

and then finish with blue pad and FF...

Its the same???

Akele abraƃ§o