View Full Version : Need help with this black trim on my car!!

08-29-2005, 05:38 PM

See the trim the goes around the window with the chrome peice in the middle of it, it goes around all the windows in the car and i use back to black on it, worked great but to get the protectant to stay is the problem, no matter what i use 303,armor all,tw ultra shine protectant etc.. it all streaks and looks horrible. what do i do?

08-29-2005, 06:13 PM
My `85 XJS has some trim like that, where you can`t really treat the rubber and the metal separately. I just use Souveran on the rubber and the metal. This car doesn`t spend much time out of the garage these days, but it got used hard when it was younger. The trim has held up just fine. I know, I know, wax on rubber is a :nono but it`s worked fine for me on that car for 20 years.

08-29-2005, 06:28 PM
if u look at the big piece of plain rubber at the base of the window, i am havin trouble there to. no protectant will stick to it :cry:

Anthony O.
08-29-2005, 07:31 PM
Back To Black is only a dressing....a short lived temporary dressing and it will streak after a few washes or a good rain storm.

Get some GR-40 cleaner and clean the area really well. With the cleaner alone it may look just fine and there will be no need to dress it. If you want it to have a rich black appearance then get the DYE also. http://www.topoftheline.com/trim-molding-dye.html

Hope that helps,
