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08-29-2005, 05:04 PM
The wifes car gets really dusty inside even tho she vacuums it and tries to keep it neat and clean, Neat = no garbage, no smoking Clean=vacuums it. Is this dustyness a womens thing due to makeup, hair and reading in the car or is it just my wife? Discuss please.

08-29-2005, 05:12 PM
Have you changed the cabin air filters lately ?

08-29-2005, 05:42 PM
pdsterns, "even tho she vacuums it and tries to keep it neat and clean". You have one up on me, I have to clean my wife`s car inside and out.

The only gender difference I pick up regarding the cleanliness and wear & tear of my wife`s car is whitish spots on the trim from make-up and scratches from diamond rings etc.. Maybe you wife wears clothes that shed fibres more than you?

08-29-2005, 05:47 PM
Does she drive around with the windows and sunroof open a lot? More than you I mean? That would allow more dust from outside to enter the cabin.

08-29-2005, 06:09 PM
Papi, its only a year old, I don`t think its filters

White95Max, probably has them open at lunch time.

Hemi, maybe I exagerrated on the cleaning, she vacuums it.

08-29-2005, 06:22 PM
My wife applies tons of baby powder, and other scented powders. It really tends to make a dusty mess.

08-29-2005, 07:48 PM
My wife applies tons of baby powder, and other scented powders. It really tends to make a dusty mess.

My wife does the same thing. I think I figured out why her car gets dustier then mine. Thanks. Does she use lots of exfoliating soaps?

It always grosses me out to think that most dust is just dead skin cells :eek:

08-29-2005, 08:05 PM
Oh ya the exfoliating soaps are big on her list as well. She has one bar for her heels that I accidently grabbed in the shower. I only got one pass on my chest, but it looked like I fought a cat. The thing has crushed walnut shells in it. The dead skin cells thing kind of creeps me out as well.

C. Charles Hahn
08-29-2005, 08:27 PM
I notice the same thing -- and I seem to usually be cursed with female clients who come to me with their nasty cars. Between the fingernail scratches around the door handles, and the crud on the interiors, I`m left pulling my hair out!

08-29-2005, 10:37 PM
pdsterns, "even tho she vacuums it and tries to keep it neat and clean". You have one up on me, I have to clean my wife`s car inside and out.

The only gender difference I pick up regarding the cleanliness and wear & tear of my wife`s car is whitish spots on the trim from make-up and scratches from diamond rings etc.. Maybe you wife wears clothes that shed fibres more than you?

I hate to start on the gender-cleaning thing, but I can`t help myself. My wife is pretty tidy and clean around the house, *but her car is an ongoing disaster*!! Coffee cups, cig butts and ashes, MacD wrappers, general garbaga. I don`t get it; otherwise tidy person is death to car. She drives my Bimmer sometimes, which is totally OCD pristine, inside and out, and I quiver in fear (maybe I`m exagerating a tad) until she gets back. I then at least get out the two Cali Dusters (interior and exterior), the vac and the QD. Shoot! Forgot about the windows. BRB.

I need to talk to Dr. Malfi.......

"Women...ya can`t live with `em, and ya can`t kill `em"

08-29-2005, 11:05 PM
"Oh ya the exfoliating soaps are big on her list as well. She has one bar for her heels that I accidently grabbed in the shower. I only got one pass on my chest, but it looked like I fought a cat."

Nolan_k, that is funny :rofl

"Coffee cups, cig butts and ashes, MacD wrappers, general garbaga."

Qship, now there is an issue and time for a serious talk. :argue absolutely no smoking allowed :nono and we have talked about eating and drinking in vehicles on another thread. :nomore:

08-30-2005, 04:47 AM
Get a Swiffer (sp?) auto duster for her. She can give the interior a quick once over and you will never notice that your wife is a major dust producer. I have more problems removing the long hair that my wife seems to shed without end in her car.


C. Charles Hahn
08-30-2005, 06:47 AM
Get a Swiffer (sp?) auto duster for her. She can give the interior a quick once over and you will never notice that your wife is a major dust producer. I have more problems removing the long hair that my wife seems to shed without end in her car.


Hahaha yeah that`s a nice theory, but I know better than to think that a lot of them will bother to use the duster, or Meg`s interior QD and an MF, or anything like that. :scared: :hairpull

08-30-2005, 09:58 AM
GT already mentioned the Swiffer, I have a black interior that shows every bit of dirt and it works great. Cheap too, 3 for $4, they last about 4 or 5 uses. Get a sticky lint roller for removing hair, works well for any kind of fur or hair removal, use it after vacuuming.

I`m a typical Autopia zealot can`t stand any garbage and debris in my car whereas my wife`s minivan is a rolling landfill. She hates when I need to borrow it because I spend a half hour cleaning it out.

C. Charles Hahn
08-30-2005, 10:02 AM
GT already mentioned the Swiffer, I have a black interior that shows every bit of dirt and it works great. Cheap too, 3 for $4, they last about 4 or 5 uses. Get a sticky lint roller for removing hair, works well for any kind of fur or hair removal, use it after vacuuming.

I`m a typical Autopia zealot can`t stand any garbage and debris in my car whereas my wife`s minivan is a rolling landfill. She hates when I need to borrow it because I spend a half hour cleaning it out.

Wait... your wife hates that you clean out her van for her? That`s a travesty!! :hm