View Full Version : This ticked me off.

08-29-2005, 06:08 AM
Saturday, I spent probably 5 hours washing, waxing and in general giving my car a good detail.

Sunday moring, I proudly take my wife to breakfast. As I`m driving in the parking lot I see a crew of guys cutting grass and blowing debris with leaf blowers. I carefully picked a place to park that I thought was out of their way. There was no grass near to where I parked and I figured I was safe.

So, what do I find when I come out. :soscared: My car looked like crap. :grrr There was debris blown all over it. I was :bounce mad. The workers had left or else I`d have given someone a hard time and probably would have demanded restitution for a car wash.

I really feel it had to be intentional. Another wash job when I got home had it looking good again but I really was mad and it ruined my planned day of relaxing.

OK, rant over.

08-29-2005, 06:55 AM
"Forget about it

If I park my car and come back to find it doesn`t have any new door dings I`m happy.

08-29-2005, 07:08 AM
If you worked for a living mowing grass you probably wouldn`t give a **** about peoples cars neither, especially if they`re near your "work sight".

Gotta think of it from their POV.

08-29-2005, 07:26 AM
Gotta think of it from their POV.

I thought about it from their and my point of view. That is why I parked my car well away from where they were working.

Seriously, I think one of them decided to unload on the shiney new car. There was nothing - absolutely nothing for them to blow where I was parked. It really appears as an act of vandalism.

Big Leegr
08-29-2005, 07:27 AM
I was at a restaurant last week and the people were mowing the little sections of grass with the guards up (full size ride on mowers)! Blowing the debris right into the cars parked right next to them! I`m trying to see this from their point of view, but I can only come up with apathy, ignorance, or possibly some evil sense of pride they get from "attacking" other peoples` property.

One stone chip on the "wrong" guy`s car, or worse, debris flung into someone`s eye, and I`d guess their boss wouldn`t be letting them be so lax about their workmanship/safety.

08-29-2005, 08:45 AM
Last week I saw some jerk actually blowing the hoods of two cars. I told him to stay the **** away from my truck.

08-29-2005, 04:18 PM
Welcome to my he!!. I swear, the landscapers follow me everywhere. Just last week I was finishing up a black BMW X5 when they showed. And of course, they got grass all over the X5. What they didn`t know was the owner of the X5, who also is the owner of the business saw what they did and went out and got in the supervisor`s face about it. One of the blower guys came by and blew all the grass off the X5. I still had to QD it though.

Seems like no matter where I am working that day, the landscapers are either at that location or the one next to it.