View Full Version : Does AIO under sealant change appearance?

08-28-2005, 04:44 AM
I currently use AIO under UPP for our daily drivers. I`m about to replace my "fun" car and appearance is more of a priority than durability. I`m wondering whether using AIO under UPP or Blackfire will alter the appearance of the overall finish? Has anyone used one of these two sealants with and without an undercoating of AIO? If so, did you notice a difference in appearance with and without the AIO application? Hoping to save myself an experiment. The new car is a medium metallic red if that makes a difference.

08-28-2005, 06:10 AM
I think AIO makes a big difference in appeance. Its an awesome paint cleaner and really brings out the color especially with a color like yours. If you are not worried about durability,try some Souveran after AIO on your Met red vehicle... Should look outstanding.

08-28-2005, 06:15 AM
Although it has been a while since I used AIO, I do not recall it altering the appearance in possibly the same way a glaze might

08-28-2005, 06:57 AM
I think AIO alters the appearance a bit, but it`s definitely for the better. It also ensures that you have no oxidation left when you apply the LSP.

08-28-2005, 07:37 AM
AIO should only change the appearance of your finish if AIO works better, equal or worst than the paint mild polish/cleanser that you have used in the past. From my experience AIO impacts no change in color hue but does add gloss because of its function as a polish/cleanser and acrylic protectant left behind.

If AIO works better as a mild polish/cleanser - improved appearance

If AIO is not as effective as a polish/cleanser- decreased appearance

If equal to your present paint cleanser polish - no change

08-28-2005, 09:12 AM
Yeah, I`ve never noticed AIO darkening the finish or anything like that. The UPP and, to a greater extent the BF, *do* darken the finishes however (mentioning this just in case you haven`t tried them before). Side-by-side comparisons with other LSPs (same paint/prep/etc.) showed this darkening to be quite noticeable, especially with the BF, like it was a different paint code or something.

08-28-2005, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I think I`ll continue to use the AIO under the sealant. Now I just need to decide between UPP and Blackfire. I`ve used both and tend to go back and forth about which I prefer.

08-28-2005, 09:34 AM
Someone mentioned that using the 4* paint cleaner made the paint look slightly brighter than when AIO was used, if i remember correctly.